
My personal dotfiles.

Primary LanguageVim Script

My .files

My dotfiles for Mac OS X, include ZSH, Prezto, iTerm, Tmux, Vim, Macvim, Slate.


Customize Keyboard

  • Remap "caps lock" to "esc" using Seil, disable
  • Remap "fn" to "Hyper" and "Shift+Control+Option+Command" to "Hyper" using Karabiner
  • Change key repeat with Karabiner [Delay Until Repeat => 200, Key Repeat => 22]
  • Remap Alfred to Ctrl+Command+Space disable spotlight shortcuts.

Installing Homebrew Packages, Vim and MacVim


brew install zsh ctags git hub tmux reattach-to-user-namespace the_silver_searcher


brew install vim --with-lua


brew install macvim --custom-icons --override-system-vim --with-lua --with-luajit

Install ZSH Prezto and customize

[Download and Follow setup instructions] (https://github.com/sorin-ionescu/prezto)


git clone git@github.com:deens/.files.git ~/.files
cd ~/.files

When the scripts finish should open a Finder windows with two iTerm themes. Double click to install.

Change iTerm theme

Settings > Profiles > [select your profile] > Colors > Load Presents > gruvbox-dark

Credits & Thanks