
extend vue keep-alive and vue-router manage cache

Primary LanguageJavaScript

keep-alive-router-view 中文

Extend vue2 keep-alive and router-view, add the function of automatically judging whether to use the cache.

You can use vite-app-pro cli to create template project,keep-alive-router-view was built in project,convenient experience and use。

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The background of the problem

If the page uses keep-alive and router-view, the advantage is that the operation state of the previous step is quickly restored when the next page operation returns, and this experience is very good.

But it also brings problems.

When the user enters the page from the navigation menu or breadcrumb, a brand new page is needed, but the cached page is actually used, and this result is not what we want.

keep-alive-router-view solves this problem.

It uses the cache when you operate $router.back and $router.go to return the page by default, and $router.push and $router.replace do not use the cache by default.


npm i keep-alive-router-view

Steps for usage

First: import and register component

import KeepAliveRouterView from 'keep-alive-router-view';


Second: use keep-alive-router-view component replace keep-alive and router-view components

keep-alive-router-view encapsulates keep-alive and router-view internally,

so you only need to write the keep-alive-router-view component element.

The cache attribute is used to cache the use of page caching.

<-- Recommend -->
<keep-alive-router-view :cache="$route.meta.cache" />
<-- Use cache for items with tab manager -->
    :cache="!$route.meta || !$route.meta.noCache"
    :defaultCache="true" />

Third: must use the method of the vue-router instance. Only after $router.go and $router.back are called, the cached page is used.

keep-alive-router-view properties descriptions

property description type option default
cache whether to cache page Boolean true/false false
defaultCache $router.push、$router.replace and $router.go(value is greater than 0) parameter cache will use the value Boolean true/false false
name router-view name String - -
include only components with matching names will be cached RegExp - -
exclude any component whose name matches will not be cached RegExp - -
max maximum number of component instances that can be cached Number - -

vue-router interface extensions


The page displayed by the push/replace interface does not use the cache function by default. If you need to use it, configure cache to true Note that defaultCache can change the default cache

// disable cache
  name: 'list',
  name: 'list',

// use cache
  name: 'list',
  cache: true
  name: 'list',
  cache: true


The page displayed by the back/forward/go interface uses the cache function by default. If not use cached page, configure cache to false

// defaut use cache

// disable cache
this.$router.back({cache: false});
this.$router.forward({cache: false});
this.$router.go(1, {cache: false});

keep-alive-router-view attribute cache and $router interface parameter cache values determine whether the page uses cache.

keep-alive-router-view cache $router cache Whether to use cache
true true Yes
true false Not
false true Not
false false Not
The page cache takes effect when both cache values are true. None of the others use cached pages.