
Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning

Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning

Taking together Stanford CS224n course with support of DeepPavlov team.

Time: весенний семестр 2020 года, вторник, 19:00

Location: Учебный центр 1С, Москва, Дмитровское шоссе, д.9 (метро "Тимирязевская"), аудитория 9235 (2 этаж).

News: https://t.me/dlinnlp2020spring

Chat: https://t.me/dlinnlp_discuss

Forum: https://forum.deeppavlov.ai/c/schools-hackatons/Deep-Learning-in-NLP/41

Course Structure

Spring 2020 syllabus

Week 1. Word Vector Representations (11.02.2020)

Week 2. Neural Networks. Backpropagation (18.02.2020)

Week 3. Neural Networks. Initialization and Normalization

Week 4. Neural Networks. Optimization

Week 5. Recurrent Neural Networks and Language Models

Week 6. Vanishing Gradients, Fancy RNNs

Week 7. Convolutional Networks for NLP

Week 8. Translation, Seq2Seq, Attention

Approximate Syllabus

Week 6. Deep contextualized word representations

Week 7. Translation, Seq2Seq, Attention

Week 8. Contextual Word Embeddings

Week 9. Question Answering

Week 10. Natural Language Generation

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