This role creates ssh users on the desired host/s and secures the ssh server configuration.
All these variables are defined in defaults/main.yml :
configure_sshd: [yes|no] If true ssh server will be secured with the options defined in the tasks file configure_sshd.yml
permit_only_ssh_key: [yes|no] If true the ssh to access to the host/s will only be possible using public key.
disable_root_login: [yes|no] If true access to the host/s using root won't be possible.
So make sure you have created another user before disabling root access.
sshd_config_file: The ssh server configuration file location , default : /etc/ssh/sshd_config
allowed_ssh_users: User/s that will be allowed to have ssh access to the host/s.
ssh_port: The port on which the ssh server will be listening, default 22
- user_name: user name to create
user_pass: user password
group_name: user group name
sudo: [yes|no] create sudo group and add newly created user into this group
bash: [yes|no] to allow shell access
sudo_without_pass: [yes|no] allow newly created user to sudo without password
comment: an description for the created
To create several users at once just copy and paste the following block personalizing the variables under ssh_users:
- user_name:
sudo: [yes|no]
bash: [yes|no]
sudo_without_pass: [yes|no]
comment: ""
You can use following tags to limit actions/configurations to perform on the host/s.
update_keys : to update authorized public keys for the user/s
sshd_config : to configure ssh server
allow_ssh_user : to update ssh allowed users
- ansible 2.7.7
You can an playbook as described below :
- hosts: all
- { role: create_ssh_users }
If ansible is being executed by non root user with privileged access :
- hosts: all
- { role: create_ssh_users }
become: true
For the direct one line command execution on localhost use:
ansible-playbook --connection=local --inventory, create_ssh_users.yaml
To run on the remote hosts using inventory :
ansible-playbook -i remote_hosts create_ssh_users.yaml
To run the role using tags :
ansible-playbook -i remote_hosts create_ssh_users.yaml --tags "sshd_config"
Raman Deep
31th March 2020