[NeurIPS 2023] This is the official code for the paper "TPSR: Transformer-based Planning for Symbolic Regression"
- AILWQAlibaba (Now); University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Before)
- alreadydoneHeidelberg / Shenzhen
- alucantonioAarhus University
- ArtisticCoding
- bmorphism@plurigrid
- cyborgshead@cybercongress
- DariusRoman
- ErikBjare@SuperuserLabs
- ffmott
- gAldeiaBrazil
- ganfisher
- harryposherUSC
- hastysharwSF
- heqzha
- hoseinzrb565
- jabogithub
- JeffCarpenterCanada
- KenyonYBaidu Inc.
- LIGHTCHASER1Harbin Institute of Technology
- linhtnfsc
- miladramzy
- mmeidaniCarnegie Mellon University
- mohasshss
- nyz
- octoninjaunicornRoboPetPalooza
- parshinshVirginia Tech
- parshinshojaee
- PetchMaPrev. @CERN @Caltech @CHIMEFRB @UCBerkeleySETI
- phoitackSeattle, WA
- RTkenny
- SeyedalimadaniSuncor Energy Inc
- ShankarChavan
- techturttleUC Berkeley
- xiaoxuh
- zachmomo
- zhangbonian