8-bit RISC Processor Design This repository contains the design and implementation of an 8-bit RISC processor using Verilog on EDA Playground. The project includes detailed documentation and the necessary source files for simulating and synthesizing the processor.

Features 8-bit Data Path: The processor handles 8-bit wide data operations. RISC Architecture: Implements a Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC) architecture for simplicity and efficiency. Basic Instruction Set: Supports fundamental instructions such as arithmetic operations, logical operations, load/store, and control flow. Modular Design: Comprises modular components such as the ALU, control unit, datapath, and memory, making it easy to understand and extend. Testbenches: Includes testbenches to verify the functionality of each module and the overall processor. Directory Structure src/: Contains Verilog source files for the processor components. alu.v: Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) module. control_unit.v: Control Unit module. datapath.v: Datapath module. memory.v: Memory module. docs/: Contains design documentation. design_doc.md: Detailed design document explaining the architecture and design choices. Getting Started Clone the Repository:

bash Copy code git clone https://github.com/yourusername/8bit-RISC-Processor.git cd 8bit-RISC-Processor Simulate and Synthesize:

Open the project files in EDA Playground or your preferred Verilog simulation tool. Run the provided testbenches to verify functionality. License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Contributing Contributions are welcome! Please read the CONTRIBUTING file for guidelines on how to contribute to this project.