This is an online service created by team Digital Chaos for UFC fighters and admin, which provides an in-depth view on how the fighters have to improve their game and also the administration can check players for doping using Blockchain and Machine Learning.
- Project Name: Fight Club
- Short Project Description: Analytics platform for all the UFC players and a secure ledger to stop medical record tampering.
- Team ID: 24
- Team Name: Digital Chaos
- Team Members:
- Jay Mehta
- Deep Gandhi
- Jash Mehta
- Apoorva Mishra
cd loc
pip install -r requirements.txt
flask run
cd ..
cd pyblock
pip install -r requirements.txt
flask run --port 5050
cd ..
npm install
## Starting app
npm start
Nowadays, sports has become all about analyzing your each and every move to get better and keeping that in mind, we created a portal where the UFC players can compare each and every move from their fights in each and every round. This also consists of a admin portal in which the authorities can store medical records of the players on a protected Blockchain ledger with PoW difficulty level 4. The blood data of the players is also used to determine if they are involved in any kind of substance abuse which is calculated using an Ensemble model of SVM+Naive Bayes Classifier.
- Node.js
- MongoDB
- Flask
- Twilio
- R
- Chart.js
- Express.js
- hashlib (Blockchain)