Welcome to my GitHub site

I'm Deepa Rao, a computational microbial ecologist, oceanographer, and science communicator.

My GitHub site is a portfolio of analysis and useful code from lab experiments, field observations, and models.

Code in Python & R.

Link to Data Sci.

Interactive omic data analysis using Python + Bokeh

  • Cultured algae under a matrix of iron and vitamin B12 concentrations to examine its metabolic response to dual nutrient limitation
  • Analyzed proteomic data to identify significantly differentially abundant proteins using the power law global error model (PLGEM) approach (citation)
  • Calculated metrics to compare normalized protein abundances across treatments; in this example, the low iron treatments -/+ B12.
  • Using Bokeh, I customized code to generate MA plots (log2 average vs. log2 fold change) of proteins between two treatments, as well as the 1:1 line for comparison.
  • Highlighted specific protein categories: significantly differentially abundant (DAP), B12, iron (Fe), and cell cycle.
  • Included hover-text to aid visual inspection of individual proteins (a few thousand in this figure), to connect the data with protein annotation and ORF id.
  • Embedded Bokeh .html figure onto GitHub pages site for portfolio.
<iframe src="/assets/img/Bokeh/MA_lo_0_10_portfolio.html" sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-scripts" width="500" height="500" scrolling="no" seamless="seamless" frameborder="0"> </iframe>