
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Welcome to JS

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JavaScript: Don't judge me by my bad parts, learn the good stuff and stick with that!

Take your first steps into programming by learning to read, trace, and analyze small programs.


Getting Started

You will need NPM and nvm on your computer to study this material

Using a browser with good DevTools will make your life easier: Chromium, FireFox, Edge, Chrome

  1. Install o update the study-lenses package globally
    • $ npm install -g study-lenses (if you do not have it installed)
    • $ npm update -g study-lenses (if you already have it installed)
    • Didn't work? you may need to try:
      • (mac) $ sudo npm install -g study-lenses
    • having trouble updating?
      • try this: $ npm uninstall -g study-lenses && npm install -g study-lenses
  2. Fork and clone this repository:
    1. fork the HackYourFuture repository to your personal account
      • git@github.com:HackYourFutureBelgium/welcome-to-js.git
    2. clone your fork to your computer
    3. when there are updates to the module:
      1. update your fork with a PR
      2. pull the changes from your fork to your computer
  3. Navigate to the module repository in terminal
    • $ cd welcome-to-js
  4. Run the study command from your CLI
    • $ study
  5. The material will open in your default browser, you're good to go!
    • you can read the study-lenses user guide from your browser by navigating to localhost:xxxx?--help

If you have a windows computer and get this error:

  • ... /study.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts ...

follow the instructions in this StackOverflow answer, that should take care of it ; )


Study Tips

  • Don't rush, understand! Programming is hard.
    • The examples and exercises will still be there to study later.
    • It's better to move slowly and learn from your mistakes than to go quickly and need to re-learn later.
  • Don't skip the examples! Understanding and experimenting with working code is a very effective way to learn programming.
  • Practice Pair Programming: two people, one computer.
  • Read the code out loud
  • Take a look through the HYF Study Tips for more inspiration


If you can't finish all the material in this repository, that's expected! Anything you don't finish now will always be waiting for you to review when you need it. These 3 emoji's will help you prioritize your study time and to measure your progress:

  • πŸ₯š :egg: - Understanding this material is required, it covers the base skills you'll need for this module. You do not need to finish all of them but should feel comfortable that you could with enough time.
  • 🐣 :hatching_chick: - Do your best to start this material. you don't need to master it or finish it but getting the main idea will be helpful for taking the next steps.
  • πŸ₯ :hatched_chick: - Have you finished all the πŸ₯š's and started all the 🐣's? push yourself with these challenges.


There's sooo many examples and exercises in this repository, it's easy to forget of what you still need to finish or what you want to review again. Luckily VSCode is really good at searching through folders of code.

You can write hashtags in your comments while you're studying, then search for those hashtags later so you don't miss anything. Here's some ideas:

  • // #not-done, still a few blanks left - search for #not-done in VScode to find all the exercises you've started and not finished
  • // coercion is confusing, #review this again next week - search for #review to find the files you need to study again
  • ... anything goes! Find the hashtags that work for you

Module Project Boards

If you create a fork of this repository you can open a project board in your fork to track your progress through the module. Just 3 columns can be enough: Todo, Doing, Done.


About Programming

Software Development is a many layered skill. One way to break it down is to think of these layers:

  1. Source Code: The basic literacy of programming
    • Learning the key words (vocabulary) and syntax (grammar) for your programming language
    • Being able to read your code out loud, tracing it's execution as a computer would
    • Understanding what the developer wanted to say with their code
    • Welcome to JS will focus on these skills_

  2. Machine Instructions: The basic mechanics of programming
    • Understanding the life-cycle of your program
    • Understand how the computer will interpret your source code to create a running program
    • Understand what about your code matters to the computer, and what matters to people
    • Fixing syntax errors that occur when you try to run your code
    • Predicting which lines of code will be executed in which order
    • Predicting how each line of code will change what is stored in program memory
    • Reading error messages & callstacks to fix fix semantic errors that occur when you run your code
    • Debugging will focus on these skills_

  3. Problem Solving & Algorithms: Breaking down large problems to be solved in small steps
    • Understanding a coding challenge and being able to break it down in different ways
    • Determining which solution strategies are correct for which types of problems
    • Understanding how test cases are used to describe your solution strategy
    • Identifying the best language feature to use with your strategy
    • Reading test cases to understand how code is supposed to behave
    • Using Test Cases to structure your solution design process (Test Driven Development)
    • Identifying and isolating mistakes in your code by reading failing test cases
    • Demonstrating your code does what you think it does by passing test cases
    • Behavior, Strategy, Implementation Module will focus on these skills

  4. Software Design: Organizing smaller pieces of code into full software solutions
    • All in good time ;)
    • Every module starting with Separation of Concerns will focus on these skills


Suggested Study

Helpful links, examples and exercises.


Be the Computer

These two games are deceptively simple. You will be given pseudo-code and will need to follow the instructions the same way a computer would. Practicing this game will help you learn how to trace code, and prepare you for learning about program memory in the next module - Debugging.

What is Programming?

What is JavaScript?

Just Enough JavaScript

In this module you will only learn a small part of what JavaScript has to offer. You will learn just enough JavaScript to make small programs that process text and interact with users. Why just enough, and not a little more? Because reading and understanding program logic is more important than JavaScript, so why let the code get in the way?


A selection of tutorial sites with interactive exercises, these tutorial will help you learn the JS Syntax you need to study the exercises in this repository. As you're setting your study plans and priorities, remember: Just Enough JavaScript. These tutorials will each cover different topics in different orders and in different ways. Find the one that works for you:

Is there another tutorial you like better than these? not a problem! Just us a PR so other students can find it ;)


Resources you can use to look up specific concepts when you are stuck or curious.

Asking and Searching

Reading Code

Exercises in this Repo

The exercises in this module focus on how to read and understand programs that interact with a user. These exercises are a few steps above what you are expected to write or easily understand, that's the idea! As a programmer you will spend more of your time reading, understanding and adjusting code than you will writing it. So why not start there?

  • 🐣 reading-programs: Practice reading interactive programs. This includes identifying variables, tracing code like the computer, drawing on the code, and asking good questions.
  • 🐣 describing-programs: Analyze programs in detail learning to explain what is happening on each line, and explaining how each line contributes to the program's overall behavior.
  • πŸ₯ explorations: Experiment with JS language features that interest you, try modifying the programs in this repo, or try writing your own. This folder is yours to explore JS and programming.


Week 1

Begin learning JS syntax and vocabulary, reading code out loud, and tracing variables.


Before Class

During Class

Learn how to use a Trace Table to understand what is happening in a program.

Before Break

  • Q/A about "What is JavaScript?"
  • How to open and study the module
  • What are variables? How can you study them?
    • the ?variables lens
    • the ?highlight lens
    • the trace button
    • trace tables
    • parsons problems
  • Study the exercises in /just-enough-javascript/variables/trace

After Break

  • Study the exercises in /just-enough-javascript/conditionals/trace

After Class

No project. Just lots of study time, alone and in groups. Here's some ideas for what to focus on this week:

Keep the question coming!


Week 2

Practice reading, understanding and describing larger programs.


Before Class

During Class

Practice reading and describing programs

Before Break

  • How do you read a program? Why?
  • Practice answering questions from the "ask me" button

After Break

  • How do you describe a program? Why?
  • Practice writing comments to describe small programs

After Class

No project. Just lots of study time, alone and in groups. Keep asking questions!

  • The rest of ./just-enough-javascript
    • you do not need to complete every exercise in each chapter, just enough that you're comfortable to move on
    • you can always return to study these chapters again, or to complete what you didn't finish
  • Study through for-of Loops in your favorite online tutorial
  • Read and describe as many programs as you can
    • the goal is to become comfortable investigating code you don't understand yet
    • it's okay if you don't understand a program completely, as long as you understand more each time


Class Recordings

Screen recordings of class. Coaches, when sending your PR's with links please ...

  • Add a link to your video in the correct module's section
  • Indicate which class you were teaching
  • Which week it was
  • Give your name
  • and a helpful description

Thibault, Evan

  1. Week 1:
  2. Week 2:


  1. Week 1: