- autobotasiaAutobot Asia
- behitekDeveloper at @luyencode
- buiconghoang
- caothanhha9
- cseblog
- deepai-solutionsDeepAI-Solutions
- duyetFossil Group
- habom2310Vietnam
- hoanglehaithanh@hpcc-hcmut
- hoangphucITJP
- hungk20
- hunglethanh9FPT University
- jackNhat
- juno249Ông
- KhanhDinhDuySingapore University of Technology and Design
- linhdangduyJapan
- minhbangFreelancer
- nhatsmrtMeta Platforms, Inc.
- oanhnnRabiloo Co., Ltd
- pencilforever
- phuongbinhbk
- puleenoCan Tho, Vietnam
- quangphammessiHanoi, Viet Nam
- shubhampachori12110095Somewhere in India
- ThaoPN
- tienbt93
- tiepvupsu
- tk1cntt
- tuananhbui89Monash University
- tuantranfNexus Frontier Tech
- vanleantkingU
- vbinh002London
- VuVanDucHa Noi
- vuviethung1998