
Job listing & filtering functionality using ReactJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Job listings with filtering (React, hooks, Context API)

Table of contents



What I wanted to achieve from this

  • practice some CSS skills and make an optimal layout for site which works on different screen sizes (with mobile first workflow)
  • design hover states for all interactive elements on the page
  • Filter job listings based on the categories or tech-skills
  • apply React Context API for managing jobs data & filtering state



My process

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS custom properties
  • Flexbox
  • Mobile-first workflow
  • React - JS library
  • utilized Context API & created custom hooks.
  • SCSS

Solution approach

  • Created custom Provider component (JobsProvider) which holds job related data
  • JobsProvider saves us from prop-drilling & allows to share data across different parts of application component tree.
// wrap your App inside JobsProvider
  <App />

Custom hooks

  • I created a few custom hooks to keep state/actions logic separated & reusable in different components
  • useJobs() - fetches jobs data & returns filtered jobs array
const {jobs, isLoading} = useJobs()
  • useFilters() - returns currently applied filters & functions to add/remove/clearAll filter
const {filters, isFilterApplied, addFilter, removeFilter, clearFilters} = useFilters()
  • addFilter(skill), removeFilter(skill) - are just helper functions which dispatch appropriate action(s) under the hood

Useful resources

  • Context API
  • Using React Context effectively - This helped me structuring <JobsProvider> & designing custom-hooks. I really liked this pattern and will use it going forward.
  • NOTE: I still feel Redux Toolkit is much better for global state management in mid-size or big applications.

Continued development

  • I would like to use styled-components library for writing CSS-in-JS approach, would definitely try it.
