Selenium Tests

This repository contains Selenium tests for the Wikia App.


  1. Make sure you have Java installed on your system, if not follow the vendor instructions for installing them on your operating system.
  2. Enable LOMBOK plugin on your IDE, follow the vendor instructions for installing LOMBOK for your IDE.
  • For eclipse follow this instruction
  • For IntelliJ Idea:
    • Windows: click Settings -> Plugins -> Browse repositories for "lombok" -> Install. Restart IntelliJ.
    • OSX: click IntelliJ IDEA -> Preferences -> Plugins -> Browse repositories for "lombok" -> Install. Restart Intellij.
  1. Go to "Annotation Processors"

    • Windows: click Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Annotation Processors. Set "Enable annotation processing".
    • OSX: click Intellij IDEA -> Preferences -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Annotation Processors. Set "Enable annotation processing".
  2. Install IDE configurations from Wikia's Java Coding Guidelines

Adding Tests

Please remember to keep this repository up to date as the tests become worthless otherwise. A good rule of thumb is to add a new test that covers whatever bug you're fixing so we can track regressions on it. Also, make sure to code your tests in a cross-operating system compliant manner as it's valid to run them in Windows, Mac or Linux environments.

Running Tests

The following steps should get you set up for running Selenium tests locally on your machine:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine (not your devbox).
  2. Clone selenium-config repository to your local machine.
  3. Copy config_default.yml file and name it config.yml (this will be your local config)
  4. Modify credentialsPath property in config.yml to point to credentials.xml file from cloned selenium-config repository
  5. In selenium-tests repository run gradle wrapper:
    ./gradlew test -Dbrowser=<browser> -Denv=<environment> -Dgroups=<group>

It is also possible to run mobile tests on real devices (Currently only Android is supported). In case of running tests on real devices additional parameters are supported:

  1. -Dplatform - determine if IOS or ANDROID should be used
  2. -Dplatform-version - get device's uuid from mobile config for provided platform version
  3. -Ddevice-id - get device with provided uuid

If both platform-version and device-id are provided device with provided uuid would be chosen.

Example commands

All commands must be run from the selenium-tests directory cloned during setup process above

Running tests on preview for mediawiki119 wikia
./gradlew test -Denv=preview -Dgroups=Login
Running tests on production for mediawiki119 wikia
./gradlew test -Denv=prod -Dgroups=Login
Running tests on devbox for muppet wikia
./gradlew test -Dbrowser=CHROME -Denv=<devbox-name> -Dwiki-name=muppet -Dgroups=Login
Running tests on local instance of Mercury (which fetches data from devbox) for muppet wikia on a Chrome pretending to be an Android device forcing Mercury skin
./gradlew test -Dbrowser=CHROMEMOBILEMERCURY -Denv=dev-karol -Dwiki-name=muppet -Dgroups=Login

If everything goes right it should log in as a QATestsUser.

Running tests on real device
./gradlew test -Dplatform=ANDROID -Ddevice-id=0243e69a8ec7e8de -Dgroups=MobileLogin

./gradlew test -Dplatform=ANDROID -Dplatform-version=4.4 -Dgroups=MobileLogin


The following are valid test parameters:

  • -Dbrowser - Which browser to use, for example "CHROME"
  • -Denv - The environment on which the test(s) should be run in, for example prod, preview, dev-<name>, sandbox-<number>,
  • -Dwiki-name - The wiki where the test(s) should be run on, for example "mediawiki119", "muppet"
  • -Dgroups - (Optional) Which test groups to run, for example "Chat". Optional. Uses all tests if omitted
  • -Ddisable-flash - (Optional) Disable Flash plugin, any String value = true


The following are valid for use in the -Dbrowser parameter:

  • FF
  • IE
  • GHOST (phantomjs)


Whole group of tests can be run with -Dgroups parameter. Groups are declared as annotation @group() above the tests.

Reading Logs

Most tests write logs and take screenshots while they run which provide further information about what happened if they failed. These files reside in the ./logs directory and can be viewed locally in your browser by navigating to that folder.