Golf Game

You are creating a golf game. The game starts with the click of the start button. You want to take the ball to the hole and you are timed with a timer. The ball moves with arrow keys on the keyboard.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Render a start button. The timer starts on clicking the start button. Timer counts in seconds.
  • Render a ball and a hole(destiny).
  • Before clicking the start button, the ball should not move with arrow keys.
  • After clicking the start button, ball should move by using up, down, left and right arrow keys. (each key should shift the ball by 5px in respective direction).
  • When the ball goes into the hole, timer should stop.
  • Make sure you give the components the right class names as mentioned in the details below and that you use the right state variable names
  • Carefully complete timer start and stop actions


  • The goal is to move the ball to the hole. To move the ball update top and left parameters in css with absolute positioning.
  • Track the seconds using state variable time.
  • Track the coordinate of the ball using state variable x and y
  • Coordinates of the ball at starting should be 0, 0
  • Coordinates of the hole should be (250px, 250px)
  • class name of the ball - > ball
  • class name of the hole -> hole
  • class name of the display timer should be -> heading- timer
  • class name of the start button -> start