Docker Nodejs Sample App

MIT License Minimum node.js version

Getting Started

To run the project:

  1. Clone the project:
    $ git clone

  2. Go to the root folder of the project & build the docker image:
    $ sudo docker build . -t deepak661/nodejs-web-app

  3. Run a container from the image:
    $ sudo docker run -p 45045:3000 -d deepak661/nodejs-web-app

  4. Test the app:
    $ curl -i localhost:45045

The app should be up and running.

To upload/push the image to Docker Hub (

  1. Login into docker hub from terminal:
    $ sudo docker login -u "deepak661" -p "password"

  2. Upload the image to docker hub:
    $ sudo docker push deepak661/nodejs-web-app