This is a demo application demonstrating the use of and angularjs. The Loopback API server is built on top of the Express web server which is well known in the Node.js community.
- Allows the user to Login and signup.
- logged-in user can create a category, Editing and deleting a category is also possible.
- users can search for existing categories .
- Download and install nodejs.
- make a directory where you will clone this project.
- move into that folder and type git clone
- cd directory-/
- npm install (install all dependency from package.json )
- node . (starts node server you can also go to server folder and type node server.js)
This will print and output like , Web server listening at: Browse your REST API at
Now our application is running and you can access it by typing http://localhost:3000 in browser.
- Electronics
- Tv
- AC
- Mobiles
- Laptops
- Fashion
- Shirts
- Trousers
- Jackets
- Kurta
- Furniture
- Bed
- Sofa
- Chair
Clone this application make your own changes . Enjoy (: