OTP Generation Services


This repository contains two services:

  1. Authentication Service: Manages user accounts and profiles.
  2. OTP Generation Service: Dedicated to generating OTPs.


  1. For each service, install dependencies by moving into respective folders and running go mod tidy.

Starting the Services

Authentication Service

To start the authentication service, run the following command:

cd auth-service
go run ./cmd/server/main.go 

OTP Generation Service

To start the OTP generation service, run the following command:

cd otp-service
update .env with your credentials for twilio
go run ./cmd/server/main.go 

Install grpcurl

To install grpcurl follow command in install.sh in each folder.

Auth (Authentication Service)

cd auth-service

To signup with a phone number:

./grpcurl -protoset <(buf build -o -) -plaintext -d '{"first_name": "deepak", "phone_number": "8888760147", "email": "deepak.r.poojari@gmail.com", "last_name": "poojari"}' localhost:8080 auth.v1.AuthService/SignupWithPhoneNumber 

To Verify Account:

./grpcurl -protoset <(buf build -o -) -plaintext  -d '{"phone_number": "8888760147", "otp": "3842"}' localhost:8080 auth.v1.AuthService/LoginWithPhoneNumber

To Login:

./grpcurl -protoset <(buf build -o -) -plaintext  -d '{"phone_number": "8888760147", "otp": "3842"}' localhost:8080 auth.v1.AuthService/ValidatePhoneNumberLogin

To Get Profile:

./grpcurl -protoset <(buf build -o -) -plaintext  -d '{"phone_number": "8888760147"}' localhost:8080 auth.v1.AuthService/GetProfile

OTP Generation (OTP Generation Service)

cd otp-service

To generate an OTP using gRPC:

./grpcurl -protoset <(buf build -o -) -plaintext \ -d '{"phone_number": "8888760147"}' \ localhost:8081 otp.v1.OtpService/VerifyPhoneNumber

generate code from proto file

buf generate

Additional Resources

For more information on getting started with gRPC, refer to the ConnectRPC documentation.