A MERN webapp on which one can sell book after end of semester or final examination.

Primary LanguageCSS


A MERN webapp on which one can sell book after end of semester or final examination.

How to install

Make sure npm is install on your system if not install with following command -

sudo apt install npm

Also Install Mongodb

Go to both the folder one by one then type the follwing command -

npm i
npm start

If after doing second command if any of the module is not installed and showing error then type the below comamnd -
=> For normal module :

npm install <package name> --save

=> For dev module :

npm install <package name> --save-dev

Run the application :-

Go to both the folder and do :

npm start

File Structure

There are two folder frontend and backend.

Want to contibute? contributions welcome

  • Fork the repository into your account.
  • Either work according to the given issues or raise new issue
  • Make changes and commit them to user local repository.
  • Make a pull request with the details about the changes.
  • Pull request will be merged once being checked by the moderator.

Thanks for visiting. Happy coding 🙂 .