
Determine the Content-Type of the given data using the MIME Sniffing Standard.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Javascript module to determine the Content-Type of the given data, using the algorithm specified in the MIME Sniffing Standard.

This module is useful in cases where it is not possible to determine the Content-Type of the data using filename extension, either because file does not have an extension or the filename is not available.


npm install detect-content-type


yarn add detect-content-type


ES2015 and above:

import detectContentType from 'detect-content-type'

Using CommonJS:

var detectContentType = require('detect-content-type')


detectContentType takes a Buffer, and determines its Content-Type. It considers at most 512 bytes of data. detectContentType always returns a valid MIME type. If it cannot determine a more specific one, it returns application/octet-stream.

let ct = detectContentType(Buffer.from("<html><body></body></html>")) // returns 'text/html; charset=utf-8'


The code in this module is ported nearly line-by-line from the http.DetectContentType method in the Go standard library.