Writing state of art Object Oriented code with Design Pattern, MetaClass and Decorators and Descriptors in Python
Hello , Welcome my Name is Soumil Nitin Shah I Want to show you How to write state of art Object Oriented code using Metaclasses , Design Pattern , Descriptors , Decorators , Slots
- Tutorial : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VFc55nlVx8
Objective: How can we Impose Rules while Creating classes with MetaClass
- Class should only be Created if First Letter is Capital Other wise throw error
- Class Should have a constructor other wise should throw Error
- All Method Should start with Lower case ie function name should start with Lower case
- Every Function should be provided with a Doc String other wise class should not be created
- There should be only one instance created of class Implementing Singleton Design Pattern
- Should not be able to add parameters at Run Time we use slots using Descriptors and Decorators