Quillpad started as my personal hobby blogging project. I was using jekyl for my personal blog before and I was totally satisfied with that. But later I have developed an urge to make a markdown based blogging app myself. I quickly set it up using Rails framework but after doing that I wasn't able to spend enough time to it. But somehow I kept the fire buring and recently I am spending few hours on a weekly basis.

What I wanted to build ?

  1. A simple markdown based blogging app.

  2. Ability to add different kinds of post such as encrypted posts, bookmarks.

  3. Ability to provide content backup on per user basis.

  4. A good experience which is simple for anyone to adapt.

  5. A simple and looking blog.

Build base image

docker build -f Base.dockerfile -t deepakumarnd/quillpad:v1.0 . --force-rm

Build application

docker build -t quillpad:v1.0 . --force-rm


  1. Migrated the application to rails 6.0.0
  2. Use trix editor

Running the application

$ cd {root directory}

$ bundle

$ bundle exec foreman start

or using docker

$ docker network create back-tier

$ mkdir -p mount/app mount/db

$ docker-compose build

$ docker-compose up

First time running ?

Create database and run migratins

$ docker-compose run app bundle exec rake db:create

$ docker-compose run app bundle exec rake db:migrate

Access the rails console

$ docker-compose run app bundle exec rails c

Goto http://localhost:3000 to view the application running

Running tests

$ docker-compose run app bundle exec rspec spec

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-test.yaml up --abort-on-container-exit --exit-code-from app ; docker-compose -f docker-compose-test.yaml down

build production image

$ docker build -f production.dockerfile .