
Social Network authentiation written in Google Go

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


A social authentiation plugin written in Google Go

It requires a webview(browser) to authenticate, currently soauth supports the following

  • Authentication with facebook
  • Authentication with foursquare
  • Authenticaiton with github
  • Facebook Graph Api
    • Profile details access
    • Connections - friend list


// you may import only facebook or foursqure as per the requirement
import (

// Initialize in the login page
auth := facebook.Init("your_app_id", "your_app_secret", "callback_url", nil )
// the last argument is for options, I will update it once the option usage is implemented

// Url to be accessed in webview(Browser) to authenticate
login_url := auth.LoginUrl()

// Authenticate
// Facebook will return the auth_code in parameter to the **callback url**, now try to get AccessToken
// In callback action in your application

auth := facebook.Init("your_app_id", "your_app_secret", "callback_url", nil )
token, err := auth.Authenticate(auth_code)

if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("Authentication failed")
    return err

fmt.Println("Auth token", token)
// store the token in the database and use it for further api access

For foursquare and Github the procedure is same, just import package foursquare or github

Facebook Graph Api Access

// Once you have the token you can use Facebook Graph Api
// Initialize Graph Api

graph := oauth_fb.Graph{"your access token here"}

// Now Get you profile details as follows

profile, err := graph.GetObject("me")

//the profile will have all the profile info as per the Profile structure defined in facebook pakage(facebook/facebook.go)

// Friend list

friends, err := graph.GetConnections("me/friends")


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Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
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