
DXF read and write Interface

Primary LanguageC++

It has an example of line, circle, arc, ellipse.

Prerequisite :

  1. libdxfrw-0.5.7 (http://sourceforge.net/projects/libdxfrw/files/libdxfrw-0.5.7.tar.bz2/download)

  2. unTar it with : tar jxf libdxfrw-0.5.7.tar.bz2

  3. ./configure

  4. make

  5. sudo make install (as root)

In case of any error try to install

$ sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa:i386

Configuration :

$ cd dxfrwInterface

$ qmake example.pro

$ make

$ ./example dxf_file.dxf