
Hands-on workshop for websphere MQ programming

Primary LanguageJava


This project is used for hands-on workshop.

These demos are written with SPRING BOOT and JMS.

You will learn easily about "SPRINGBOOT,JMS,MQAPI,QUEUE,TOPIC,SENDER,RECEIVER,LISTENER" in my project.

IBM Websphere MQ Server in a Docker container

Just two commands.

docker run --name mq75 --publish 1415:1415 -idt tony0x00/trial-mq75:v1.0 /bin/bash

docker exec mq75 strmqm ONE.QM

Message Driven POJO, MessageListener Application

It be configured by Application.yml to set queue and topic destination.

    port: 1415
    queue-manager: ONE.QM
    channel: ONE.SVR.CONN
    queue: ONE.QUEUE
    topic: ONE/TOPIC
    timeout: 2000

Run as Java Application, then you will start to listen ONE.QUEUE and ONE/TOPIC.

public class Application {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);


Run the QueueAndTopicTest and design your scenario.

public void sendMessageToQueue() {
	queueTemplate.convertAndSend(queue, "hello world");
public void receiveMessageFromQueue() {


public void sendMessageToQueueWithSelector() {
	queueTemplate.convertAndSend(queue, "hello world",
			(MessagePostProcessor)(message)-> {
			message.setStringProperty("name", "tony");
			return message;
public void receiveMessageFromQueueWithSelector() {

	queueTemplate.receiveSelected(queue, "name='tony'");

public void publishMessageToTopic() {
	topicTemplate.convertAndSend(topic, "hello world");