Ai Resume Analyzer is a tool which parses information from a resume using natural language processing and finds the keywords, cluster them onto sectors based on their keywords. And lastly show recommendations, predictions, analytics to the applicant based on keyword matching.
- aanchalraj08India
- abhisheksai97
- AhmedMahmoudALnobey
- Alvin1109
- AnandhuKottaram
- AryK00
- awais-ch007
- BhaveshkadamNavi Mumbai
- bpevreall
- chrisesmannSan Francisco, CA
- corlin云起科技
- darkness0608
- emanuelefalli
- fendy07Jakarta, Indonesia
- fizgenixIndia
- H4rshSinghDehradun
- JelsingeprajwalHyderabad
- joshishreyans
- M0ShalaanCairo,Egypt
- MrChauhan6465
- navalesidddhesh2002
- Neil2033Stealth StartUp
- notegone
- pavithr31
- rahilkalola17Earth
- Raj0408
- sampatkalyan
- SilentWatcherindia
- SpaceBaarNavi Mumbai, India
- Srisatya99
- Std1234
- stfu-karan
- Suhashb12
- vanshgulati16New delhi
- Vatsh31
- xiaozhanlaopo