
🍞 Smoking hot toast notifications for Angular.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

npm MIT commitizen PRs styled with prettier linted with eslint All Contributors ngxpert cypress semantic-release

Smoking hot Notifications for Angular. Lightweight, customizable and beautiful by default. Inspired from react-hot-toast


Compatibility with Angular Versions

@ngxpert/hot-toast Angular
1.x, 2.x >= 17

For older Angular versions, keep using @ngneat/hot-toast from npm.


  • 🔥 Hot by default
  • Easy to use
  • 🐍 Snackbar variation
  • Accessible
  • 🖐️ Reduce motion support
  • 😊 Emoji Support
  • 🛠 Customizable
  • Observable API
  • Pause on hover
  • 🔁 Events
  • 🔒 Persistent


With npm:

npm install @ngneat/overview@6.0.0 @ngxpert/hot-toast

or yarn

yarn add @ngneat/overview@6.0.0 @ngxpert/hot-toast
For older versions

You can install it through Angular CLI:

ng add @ngneat/hot-toast

or with npm:

# For Angular version >= 9.1.13 < 13
npm install @ngneat/overview@2.0.2 @ngneat/hot-toast@3

# For Angular version >= 13 < 15
npm install @ngneat/overview@3.0.0 @ngneat/hot-toast@4

# For Angular version >= 15 <16
npm install @ngneat/overview@3.0.0 @ngneat/hot-toast@5

# For Angular version >= 16 <17
npm install @ngneat/overview@5.1.1 @ngneat/hot-toast@6



If you use SCSS add this line to your main styles.scss:

@use 'node_modules/@ngxpert/hot-toast/src/styles/styles.scss';

or if you use CSS add this to your styles inside your angular.json:

"styles": [

Standalone Setup

import { AppComponent } from './src/app.component';

import { provideHotToastConfig } from '@ngxpert/hot-toast';

bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
  providers: [
    provideHotToastConfig(), // @ngxpert/hot-toast providers

Module Setup

Add provideHotToastConfig() to your app.module.ts providers section. Toast options (Partial<ToastConfig>) here.:

import { providerHotToastConfig } from '@ngxpert/hot-toast';

  providers: [provideHotToastConfig()],
class AppModule {}


if you use SCSS add this line to your main styles.scss:

@use '@ngxpert/hot-toast/src/styles/styles.scss';

or if you use CSS add this to your styles inside your angular.json:

"styles": [

Basic Usage

import { HotToastService } from '@ngxpert/hot-toast';

export class AppComponent {
  constructor(private toast: HotToastService) {}

  showToast() {
    this.toast.show('Hello World!');
    this.toast.error('Oh no!');

  update() {
          loading: 'Saving...',
          success: 'Settings saved!',
          error: 'Could not save.',

You can pass ToastOptions while creating the toast to customize the look and behavior:

import { HotToastService } from '@ngxpert/hot-toast';

export class AppComponent {
  constructor(private toast: HotToastService) {}

  customToast() {
    this.toast.success('Look at my styles, and I also need more time!', {
      duration: 5000,
      style: {
        border: '1px solid #713200',
        padding: '16px',
        color: '#713200',
      iconTheme: {
        primary: '#713200',
        secondary: '#FFFAEE',

You can also set global ToastConfig options while importing:

import { provideHotToastConfig } from '@ngxpert/hot-toast';

  providers: [
      reverseOrder: true,
      dismissible: true,
      autoClose: false,
class AppModule {}

Additionally, you have the option of using a standalone function to provide a global toast configuration within your app's configuration file:

// app.config.ts
import { provideHotToastConfig } from '@ngxpert/hot-toast';

export const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = {
  providers: [provideHotToastConfig({ ... })],


You can checkout examples at: https://ngxpert.github.io/hot-toast#examples.


All options, which are set Available in global config? from ToastOptions are supported. Below are extra configurable options:

Name Type Description
reverseOrder boolean Sets the reverse order for hot-toast stacking
Default: false
visibleToasts number Sets the number of toasts visible. 0 will set no limit.
Default: 5
stacking "vertical"|"depth" Sets Sets the type of stacking
Default: "vertical"


Configuration used when opening an hot-toast.

Name Type Description Available in global config?
id string Unique id to associate with hot-toast. There can't be multiple hot-toasts opened with same id.
duration number Duration in milliseconds after which hot-toast will be auto closed. Can be disabled via autoClose: false
Default: 3000, error = 4000, loading = 30000
autoClose boolean Auto close hot-toast after duration
Default: true
position ToastPosition The position to place the hot-toast.
Default: top-center
dismissible boolean Show close button in hot-toast
Default: false
role ToastRole Role of the live region.
Default: status
ariaLive ToastAriaLive aria-live value for the live region.
Default: polite
theme ToastTheme Visual appearance of hot-toast
Default: toast
persist {ToastPersistConfig} Useful when you want to keep a persistance for toast based on ids, across sessions.
icon Content Icon to show in the hot-toast
iconTheme IconTheme Use this to change icon color
className string Extra CSS classes to be added to the hot toast container. Yes
attributes Record<string, string> Extra attributes to be added to the hot toast container. Can be used for e2e tests. Yes
style style object Extra styles to apply for hot-toast.
closeStyle style object Extra styles to apply for close button Yes
data DataType Allows you to pass data for your template and component. You can access the data using toastRef.data.
Examples: Template with Data, Component with Data
injector Injector Allows you to pass injector for your component.
group group Allows you to set group options.
Examples: Pre-Grouping, Post-Grouping

Supported Browsers

Latest versions of Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Safari are supported, with some known issues.


Hot-toast messages are announced via an aria-live region. By default, the polite setting is used. While polite is recommended, this can be customized by setting the ariaLive property of the ToastConfig or ToastOptions.

Focus is not, and should not be, moved to the hot-toast element. Moving the focus would be disruptive to a user in the middle of a workflow. It is recommended that, for any action offered in the hot-toast, the application offers the user an alternative way to perform the action. Alternative interactions are typically keyboard shortcuts or menu options. When the action is performed in this way, the hot-toast should be dismissed.

Hot-toasts that have an action available should be set autoClose: false, as to accommodate screen-reader users that want to navigate to the hot-toast element to activate the action.

Breaking Changes

v1 to v2

The <div> surrounding <ng-container> is removed from .hot-toast-message to better and easy structure of layout. User may need to check their templates after updating to v2.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Dharmen Shah
Dharmen Shah

💻 🖋 🎨 📖 💡
Netanel Basal
Netanel Basal

🐛 💼 🤔 🚧 🧑‍🏫 📆 🔬 👀
Timo Lins
Timo Lins

🎨 🤔
Patrick Miller
Patrick Miller

🚧 📦
Gili Yaniv
Gili Yaniv

Artur Androsovych
Artur Androsovych

Luis Castro
Luis Castro


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com