#Concrete5 Theme Boilerplate# A blank HTML5 concrete5 theme package template to start development of a bespoke theme.
This package is for concrete 5.7.1+ for a < 5.6.x version see here.
A tutorial screencast on how to use this boilerplate is here.
- Copy the 'concrete_theme_package' folder to your concrete5 instances 'packages' folder (or even better, fork this repo and clone it into your packages directory)
- Rename the copied package & theme folders to your desired theme name.
- Update the namespace references, package handles and theme handles within controller.php & page_theme.php.
- Open 'description.txt' within the theme folder and update the title to your theme name.
- Login to the instance, click on the Settings icon on the right of the top bar, click 'Extend concrete5'.
- Click on the 'Install' button next to the package name you set in step 2.
- Click on 'Pages & Themes', you will see the new theme listed, click 'Activate' to apply the theme to your site.
##Change Log##
29-11-2014 - 2.0
- Initial upgrade to a 5.7.1 package based theme.
31-07-2013 - 1.0
- Initial release