
This Project has a baseline selenium cucumber setup with all necessary folder structure.

Primary LanguageJava

Automated test example in Java with Cucumber and Selenium WebDriver

This project is an example of UI automated functional test using Selenium and Cucumber.

Test scenarios are described in the feature files located here ./src/test/resources/Features.


You need to have [Java 8 JDK]

Chrome Driver has been added to the project under .src/test/resources/Drivers

To install all dependencies, run

$ mvn clean install

Running tests

$ mvn test

We need to specify -Dbrowser={browser} where {browser} is either chrome or firefox. You can also select specific scenarios to execute using -Dcucumber.options="--tags @yourFeature_File_Path @your_tag".

This Project will generate an Custom Emailable Report under ./target/Emailable-Report.htm