
Work in progress nix config

Primary LanguageNix

NixOS Config

Work in progress nixos config.


Run this command to setup nixos on your drive.

# Checkout repo
git clone https://github.com/deepanchal/nixos
# cd into dir
cd nixos
# Format your disk with disko
# Note: Replace `/dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WDS240G2G0C-00AJM0_205130900427` with your drive to format it with disko and install nixos on the drive.
sudo nix --experimental-features "nix-command flakes" run github:nix-community/disko -- --mode disko ./hosts/zephyrion/disk-config.nix --arg device '"/dev/disk/by-id/ata-WDC_WDS240G2G0C-00AJM0_205130900427"'
# Make sure /mnt got formatted correctly with disko
# Install nixos
sudo nixos-install --root /mnt --no-root-password --show-trace --verbose --flake .#zephyrion


Awesome setups

List of awesome configs I used to build my config:

Awesome Impermanence Resources