
API Generator cum Sharing Portal

MIT LicenseMIT

EaseAPI - APIs made easy

Why are APIs so Important?

Becoming API-centric

APIs have become a foundational technology for the development of robust and scalable enterprise applications. Separating client-side presentation from back-end services and data provides the flexibility to support multiple client form factors, cross-platform applications, and makes the the applications future-proof to allow behind-the-scenes change without breaking user interfaces(or front-end). Today’s software is built as services. Rather than using web frameworks that invoke services and produce web pages, today's applications are built by consuming and producing APIs. Moreover APIs now give a new prospect of allowing other applications/developers to use other's services without giving them full accesss to the application or it's source code.

The age of Mobile forces the issue

The client/server communications mechanism in the age of mobile is APIs. In order to stay connected with different clients irrespective of the platform they use, APIs are crucial to application development. This means that the application development effort needs to have an API project at the heart of it. Application developers not only need to know how to consume an API, but have to understand how to produce one as well, with all the attendant issues such as API design, API security, and API scalability.

And that is why at this age All development is API development! (Learn more on APIs here)

What we will deliver in EaseAPI

API Creation Tool

We provide an easy way of creating high-quality APIs, with a wide range of customizable features presented on a easy-to-use User Interface. APIs being one of the most crucial part of application development as explained earlier, needs to be well structured, secured, fully scalabale and customizable in future - all of which will be properly taken care of by EaseAPI- API Creation Tool.

How will this work:

We will provide a well-designed skeleton for the APIs providing some minor logic according to the choice of the user. For example

  • Have either REST or an RPC endpoint
  • The services of an API can send response in json, HAL or XML format,
  • Can have GET, POST, PATCH etc requests
  • Have Authentication and Authorisation integrated.
  • Have Database connected that will open a whole new world of choices.

After the skeleton code has been generated, it will add some basic logic and then allow the user to put in the rest of inctricate logic to the code. The API will be hosted in the EaseAPI server, and the url to the API with documentation will be available, with an option to share it on the sharing portal.

API Sharing Portal

Along with the API creation Tool, we also provide an API Sharing Portal which will facilitate making your APIs built using our tool or your custom APIs, available to other developers. Access to API is now just a search away! We use tagging system for the "API search and use" service. APIs uploaded to the portal will be tagged by the uploader using various tags. The users using those APIs will be given the URL and the Documnetation of the API. The APIs uploaded will also have a review system where other developers can put their reviews to help the owner of the API to make it better, and help other users using the API.

How will this Impact the World

This Project exclusively targets the world of developers. We make the life of developers much easier by providing them with a platform(API Creation Tool) where they can create quality APIs with ease. We connect developers around the world by giving them access to a variety of other APIs made by other developers, and allowing them to review the APIs and help make it better. Thus the developers will have much less to worry about implementing the backend services that gives life to their applications and concentrate more on its looks/presentation and the basic logic of the backend. THe user interface will be made keeping in mind that even non-developers who wish to create their application can gain benefit from EaseAPI.

Project Head
