Sapient Freshers-2021-jun-asde

Batch POC: Kanhav Ghai

Aarsh Verdan - DTU, Joined in pJP, likes to play online games, guitar, and likes to learn technology

Akhil tomar - DTU, likes : Backing Trecking, Travelling

Akshit Kumar - IIT Karagpur, playing video games, graphic designing, PS,

Aneesha Kota - IIT bhubaneshwar, play badminton, sports, singing

Bitan - IIT Bhubanesh, sudoku, likes reading a lot, watching web series one

Deepanjan - IIT Patna, CS, like to sing, swimming

Harshit singal - IIT Delhi, part of PJP, optimistic, likes to play soccer, and like playing chess

Hemanth Umanshanar - NIT Suratkat, plygin video games, watigin movies, playing guitar

Kanav Ghai - IIT Patna, likes youtube with sports, and likes eating

Karmanya Sharma - likes to learn, play football, badminton, started blogging,

Krishna - IIT Bhubaneshwar, CS, watching cricket, likes cooking

Lakshya - IIT Gandhinagar, CS, playing badminton, likes listening to music,

Prateek - IIT Kharagpur, watining movies, does cooking

Priyadarshan - DTU, CS, likes to play guitar, likes to play with dog, reads blogs

Raj Shekar - does painting, drawing , and likes to watch TV Series

Rizwan Khan - from Delhi, IIT Patna, playing cricket

Rohit - IIT Gandhinagar, ply online games, cricket watch TV Series,

Sailaja - IIT bhubaneshwar, plays badminton, mobile games

sanjana - NITK surajkal, digital art work,

Shushrut - NITK suratkal, CS, motor sport

Sioddharth - IIT Roorkey, plays any sports, watch movies, TV series, etc

pradyuman - IIT patna, plays chess, watch movies, in free time

Suhas - IIT suratkal, PC games, watch F1, football

Veena - NITK suratkal, playing basket ball, likes eating street food.



Git + GitHub / BitBucket
Jenkins (CI/CD)

LEFT -> RIGHT ( collges, they teach technologys then solve the problem) RIGHT -> LEFT (first identify the problem then the technology comes)

Work Approach

  1. Tech stack
  2. 4-5 Week of training - in that we have a small project
  3. 7 Weeks a full fledged project work

TDD Style - Technology BDD Style - Semi Technology GIVEN, WHEN, THEN (AND, BUT) DDD Style - Pure Business

DOR - Defination of Release
DOD - Defination of Done

Working Method

work image

List Of Softwares :

Either go with "master", "main"

Git Commands

git init

git branch -- create a branch

git checkout - checkout / switch branch

git branch --merged - to show if the current branch is merged from other branch

git branch --no-merged - to show if the current branch is not merged from other branch

git checkout main

git merge new_branch

git checkout -b dev1 (create and switch the branch)

Git Reset

  • soft reset - will keep the file in stagin area but not commit
  • mixed reset (defult) - this will take the file to untracked area
  • hard reset - the content is also take off

In any case if you want to get back your code, have the commit id and you can checkout from there

The git reset command is a complex and versatile tool for undoing changes. It has three primary forms of invocation. These forms correspond to command line arguments --soft, --mixed, --hard.

git stash temporarily shelves (or stashes) changes you've made to your working copy so you can work on something else, and then come back and re-apply them later on.

In Git we have 4 area

  1. Untracked files
  2. Tracked (add)
  3. committed files (commit)
  4. stash

working with stash

git stash save "message"

git stash list

git stash pop - it applied and removes

git stash apply stash@{} - applies and doesnot remove

git stash drop stash@{} - to remove the stash

git stash clear - to clear all the stash

git stash show stash@{} - to show the stash

git shash show -p stash@{} - to show the actual code

git fetch + git merge = git pull

to delete the branch on remote

git push origin --delete branch_name

git push origin :branch_name

Branching Stratergy

branching stratergy


  1. Freestyle project
    1. scripted fashion (.sh / .bat)
  2. Pipe line project *
    1. you can have groovy code in Jenkins
    2. You can have groovy code in "Jenkinsfile" on remote SCM
pipeline {
    agent any

    stages {
        stage('Hello') {
            steps {
                echo 'Hello World'

    pipeline {
    agent any

    tools {
        // Install the Maven version configured as "M3" and add it to the path.
        maven "M3"

    stages {
        stage('Build') {
            steps {
                // Get some code from a GitHub repository
                git ''

                // Run Maven on a Unix agent.
                sh "mvn -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true clean package"

                // To run Maven on a Windows agent, use
                // bat "mvn -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true clean package"

            post {
                // If Maven was able to run the tests, even if some of the test
                // failed, record the test results and archive the jar file.
                success {
                    junit '**/target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml'
                    archiveArtifacts 'target/*.jar'

Create Maven Project

mvn archetype:generate -DartifactId=my-app -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DarchetypeVersion=1.4 -DinteractiveMode=false


Run with PR from Master -> Dev -> branches branching straergy in sapient

  1. Maven

Maven has 3 Stages

  • clean (clean)
  • work (various stages like compile, deploy, install, provided etc)
  • report (site) - this will help you to generate the report

mvn compile

mvn clean compile

mvn package

mvn clean package

mvn test

mvn clean test

mvn site – to generate documentation

mvn clean

mvn eclipse:eclipse – compatible to eclipse

simple to program to show usage of slf4j

  1. Docker

Tightly Couples Loosely Cohisive -> Highly Cohisive Loosely Coupled systems

Docker allows tha orchestration with

  • Docker Swarm
  • Rancher
  • ECS
  • Kubernetees

Docker Introduction Commands

docker info

docker images - will get all the images which are in current system

docker pull image-name - will search for the image in

docker ps - active containers which are running

docker ps -a [ - active containers which are running + which are stopped]

docker rm container-id [to remove the container which is stopped]

docker rmi imageif [ to remove the images]

docker system prune [ to remove images which are not in use ]

docker stop container-id [to stop the container which is running ]

docker start container-id [to start the container ] Note: you cannot delete running container to do so first stop / force delete

docker pull mongo

docker run -name sapient-mongodb1 -d mongo

to get into the mongo instance

docker exec -it [ containerid/name ] sh

to push image to

Syntax: docker push username/imageid:tag Example: docker push adithnaveen/java-image:1

Hosting Jenkins With Docker

docker pull jenkins

docker run --name sapient-jenkins-instance -d -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 jenkins:2.7.4

docker logs [ container-id ] - to get the logs of the running container

docker inspect [container -id ] - to get the details of the container

docker history i-hello-world-3

To deploy a java application


    1. docker pull openjdk 
    2. mvn clean install 
    3. copy jar file to docker container 
    4. java -cp target/app-snapshot.jar

Docker can build images automatically by reading the instructions from a Dockerfile

to build image

docker image build -t i-hello-world-4 .

to run

docker run i-hello-world-5:latest

Assignment Image

To build a pipe line for using jenkins / docker

Docker Volumes

docker volume ls

docker volume create vol-name

docker volume inspect vol-name

start jenkins instance attached to volume(default)

docker run --name jenkins-container-1 -v [ vol-name ]:/var/jenkins_home -p 8080:8080 jenkins:2.7.4

start jenkins instance attached to volume - bind a folder

docker run --name jenkins-container-1 -v /users/naveenkumar/Desktop/folder-name:/var/jenkins_home -p 9000:8080 jenkins:2.7.4

micro & monolithic discussion

Team 1 - Prateek, rajshekar, akshit, harshit

Team 2 - Deepanjan, kanav, rizwan, praduman

Team 3 - karmanya, priyadarshan, aarsh verdhan, akhil

Team 4 - krishna, aneesha, bitan, sailaja

Team 5 - rohit, laksay, shushut, siddharth

Team 6 - sanjana, suhas, hemanth, veena


  • WORM (Write Once Read Many)
  • Docker Volumes
  • install sonar lint + object aid
  • understand java program
    int main() {} - you have control 
    void main() {} - 0

package com.naveen; 

    public class HelloWorld {
        static void hi()  {}
        void bye()  {}
        int x=100; - heap  
        static int yy=100;
        boolean flag = true; 
        public static void main(String [] args) {
            int y; 
            HelloWorld h = new HelloWorld();

javac -d . - syntax and semantic .class - compiler / JITC java com.naveen.HelloWorld hi[0] bye[1] cya[2] - interpreter


stack calls

version 1 
int main(){

bye() {

version 1 
int main(){


String can hold - "10" , "true", .png .exe - mac / lin (does not work) .so / a.out - win / max (does not work) .dmg - win / lin

access specifiers

  1. public
  2. private
  3. protected
  4. default(package)

Folder Structure Training (Repo) aneesha-llid w1-d1-git-jenkins w1-d2-maven-docker w1-d3-java w1-d4-java-dp

Participant 3
Participant n

  • Differnt UML diagrams (26) types of diagram
    • class diagram
    • use case diagram
    • activity diagram
    • sequence
    • profile diagram
    • flow chart
    • data flow diagram
    • component diagram
    • objecet diagram
    • state diagram
    • context diagram
  • HLD - High Level Diagram

    • use case diagram
    • flow chart
    • component diagram
    • context diagram
  • LLD - Low Level Diagram

    • class diagram
    • use case diagram
    • flow chart

plantuml (explore) abstract class "abstract class" annotation annotation circle circle () circle_short_form class class diamond diamond <> diamond_short_form entity entity enum enum interface interface

OOPS - anti pattern

  • compositon - has-a

      class Employee {
          private int empId; 
          private Name name;
          private double salary; 
      // getters / setters 
      class Customer {
          private Name name; 
          private int custId;
          private double income; 
      class Trainer {
          private int tId; 
          private Name name; 
          private double level;
      class Name {
          private String firstName; 
          private String middleName; 
          private String lastName; 
  • aggregation

  • association -is-a (generalization - speciliazation)

      class Vehicle {} - generic class 
      class Car extends Vehicle {}  generic class  - specific class 
      class Maruti extends Car {} - specific class 
  • S - Single-responsibility principle

  • O - open close - should be open for extension, but closed for modification

  • L - Functions that use pointers or references to base classes must be able to use objects of derived classes without knowing it

    interface Vehilcle {
        public void move();
    class Car extends Vehicle {
        public void driveStreering() {}
         public void move(){} 
    class TwoWheeler extends Vehilce {
        public void handle(){}
         public void move(){} 

    class VehilcleBL {

        public static void show(Vehicle v) {
            if(v instanceof Car) {
            }else if(v instanceof TwoWheeler) {


    class App {
        public static void main(String [] args) {
            Vehicle v; 
            v = getMe("car");

            v = new getMe("twoWheeler");

in C

    int main() {
        int *p; 
        p  = (int *) malloc(100); 
        ... your business logic 

  • I - Interface segregation principle: "Many client-specific interfaces are better than one general-purpose interface"
  • D - Dependency Injection (DI)/ IOC

  • KISS
  • DRY

Vehicle management system

Below are the asks

  • The company (XYZ) who manufacures chasis / nuts/ enginee etc

  • they have a problem to integrate various cars which they are catering

  • the want a unifed system where can build "nut/bolt" for differnet cars / two / trucks

  • the code is exposed to the client but they have comeback saying its complicated to understand what is available Ex: class Vehicle {} class Car extends Vehicle{} class Maruti extends Car {}

    class Breeza extends Maruti {} class Swift extends Maruti{}

class BMW extends Car {} class X1 extends BMW {} class X2 extends BMW {}

class Volve extends Car{} class VSixty extends Volvo {}

X1 x1 = new X1(); x1.showNutBolt() (wrong)

  • they want a common interface where they can see size / dimention / weight of nut/ bolts
  • they would like to have the data kept in matrix format
    • maruti -> Breeza / Swift ...
    • BMW -> X1, X2...
    • Volvo - VSixty, CSixty ...
> way 1
class Brands {
    private String branchName; 
    private List< Car > cars; 

List<Brands> brandedCars = new List<Brands>(); 
Brands marutiBrands = new Brands(); 
brandedCars.add(List.of(new Car("Breeza", 4), new Car("Swift", 5)); 

> way 2 

HashMap<String, List<Car>> brandedCars = new HashMap<>(); 
brandedCars.put("maruti", List.of(new Breeza(), new Swift())
brandedCars.put("maruti", List.of(new Car("Breeza", 4), new Car("Swift", 5)); 

write 1 method which should show all the cars (nuts/bolts)



package - has to be in lower case & cannot be in default package * *

variable / methods - camelcase - start with lower case then every words first char is in upper chse

  • empId, empName, debitSalary, creditSalary, getEmployeeSalaryFromDB()

class name - pascal casing

  • start with upper case then every next work first char in upper case Employee, EmployeeProcessor, EmployeeDAO, IEmployeeDAO

constants * to be in upper case * COMPANY_NAME, TAX

class - contracting Abastract Class (only abstract, you can have concrete methods) / Interface (100%, concrete methods but has to be default prefixed)

Noun - Entity / Bean Employee - DB


access-specifer access-modifier returntype methodname(param)

access-specifer - public, private, protected, default access-modifier - static, final, sychronized, abstract void or type (int, flotat, Employee, Vehicle)

    class Company {}
    class Employee {
        private Company company; 
        private int empId; 
        private String name;

        public void setCompany(Company company) {
   = company; 

// BLR 
    Company company = Company.getInstance();

    Employee e = new Employee(); 

// CHN
 Company company = Company.getInstance();

    Employee e = new Employee(); 


chain of rsponsitibliy



Project Work : StackTooFlow

User Stories:

  1. The application should have option to login to system
  2. the application should allow to register
  3. The application shoul allow to reset the passwor if user forgets
  4. The application should allow to ask a question
  5. There should be UP / DOWN down vote the question
  6. UP/DOWN on comment for the question
  7. the Application should allow to have comments for the question
  8. The application shall allow suggest similar problem
  9. Should allow answer the question
  10. Option to Delete / Edit option only for owner of questionn
  11. Option to Delete / Edit option only for owner of commenter
  12. List Trending questions
  13. show user dashboard which contains
    1. his/ her question
    2. his/her comments
    3. View his/her grade / points - rating
    4. System should store user profile like name,email, gender, social links etc
  14. application shall allow to search a question / answer - without login
  15. application shall allow to search on user
  16. view other people profile
  17. sort the answer based on relevence
  18. assign tag for the question
  19. user shall have the notification
  20. User can close the question
  21. spam a question / use could report the comment
  22. spam a user
  23. owner of the question can mark the answer by other user is best answer
  24. One use should be able to follow other users



  • TDD - Test Driven Development
  • BDD - Behaviour Driven Developement
  • DDD - Domain Driven Development
  • ADTD - Acceptance Driven testing / Development

Next 5 Years - LowCode / NoCode

TDD (FOSS - Free & Open Source)

  • jUnit 4
  • jUnit 5 - Jupiter -

BL - 500 ms ----- TEST - 500ms (370XX)ms -.--


<img src="./images/tdd-bdd.drawio.png" width="350">

Given - Pre Condition 
When - Actual Work 
Then - Post Condition 

And - Multiple 
But - Clause 

**To run We will user JUNI**

Featue - registration module 

    Given the application is loaded
    When the user clicks on "Registration Button" 
    And Enter valid pattern email address 
    And Proper pattern Password 
    Then show a message called "User Registered Successfully"   

Sprint Ceremony - User Strories Sprint Groomming - Stake Holder / Product Owner will come and talk to developer and explain the feature file give a closure Sprint Retrospective

Cucumber Gherkin (Small Cucumber) - Ruby (on top of Java)

Ruby / Kotlin / Scala / Groovy / R - written on top of Java

types of tests

  • Sanity - check everything once
  • Stress - increment the count for the BL
  • Functional Test - Dont test everything but specifed
  • Spike Test - Give Too much load to the system

Plugin Called Lombok - getters and setters parametric / default contstructors toString

@Data @Getters @Setters @ToString