
This repository hosts a basic implementation of a decentralized voting application using blockchain technology. The application has been developed using Python and leverages the hashlib library for hashing operations and utilizes the system time for generating timestamps.

Primary LanguagePython

Decentralized Voting Application using Blockchain

This repository contains a simple implementation of a decentralized voting application using blockchain technology. The application is built in Python and utilizes the hashlib library for hashing and time for timestamp generation.

How It Works

The decentralized voting application consists of several main components: Blocks, Blockchain, Voters, and the VotingApp.

1. Block Class Definition

The Block class represents a block in the blockchain. It contains the following attributes:

  • index: The index of the block in the chain.
  • previous_hash: The hash of the previous block.
  • timestamp: The timestamp of when the block was created.
  • data: The data contained in the block, which in this case represents voting information.
  • hash: The hash value of the block calculated based on its attributes.

2. Blockchain Class Definition

The Blockchain class manages the chain of blocks. It includes methods to create the genesis block and add new blocks to the chain. The blockchain is initialized with a genesis block, and subsequent blocks are added as new votes are cast.

3. Voter Class Definition

The Voter class represents a voter in the system. Each voter is identified by a unique voter_id and tracks whether they have cast a vote.


The VotingApp class ties everything together. It maintains a blockchain and a dictionary of registered voters. The methods in this class allow users to register voters, cast votes, and retrieve vote counts.

Example Usage

Here's an example of how to use the VotingApp to simulate a voting process:

# Create a VotingApp instance
voting_app = VotingApp()

# Register voters

# Cast votes
voting_app.cast_vote("voter1", "Candidate A")
voting_app.cast_vote("voter2", "Candidate B")
voting_app.cast_vote("voter2", "Candidate B")

# Get vote counts
print("Vote Count for Candidate A:", voting_app.get_vote_count("Candidate A"))
print("Vote Count for Candidate B:", voting_app.get_vote_count("Candidate B"))