
This repository contains a Sudoku solver implemented in Python. The solver utilizes a backtracking algorithm to find the solution for a given Sudoku puzzle. The solution is hosted using Streamlit, providing a user-friendly interface for inputting and solving Sudoku puzzles.

Primary LanguagePython

Sudoku Solver

This repository contains code for a Sudoku solver implemented in Python. The solver uses a backtracking algorithm to find the solution for a given Sudoku puzzle. The solution is hosted using Streamlit, allowing users to input their Sudoku puzzle and get the solution instantly.


To use the Sudoku solver:

  1. Access the Streamlit app using the following link: Sudoku Solver App.

  2. Once on the app, you will see a Sudoku grid displayed on the screen.

  3. Enter the numbers for your Sudoku puzzle in the corresponding cells. Use 0 to represent empty cells.

  4. After entering the puzzle, click the "Solve" button.

  5. The solver will attempt to find a solution for the puzzle. If a solution exists, it will be displayed on the screen.

  6. If the puzzle is invalid or cannot be solved, an appropriate error message will be shown.

Code Explanation

The code consists of the following main components:

  • solve_sudoku(board): This function implements the backtracking algorithm to solve the Sudoku puzzle. It recursively tries different numbers in empty cells until a valid solution is found.

  • is_valid(board, row, col, num): This function checks if a number is valid in a given cell based on Sudoku rules. It checks the row, column, and the 3x3 box to ensure the number is not already present.

  • display_board(board): This function is responsible for displaying the Sudoku board using Streamlit. It formats the board and prints it in a user-friendly manner.

  • main(): The main function sets up the Streamlit app, initializes the Sudoku board, takes user input, and calls the solver function when the "Solve" button is clicked.


If you'd like to contribute to this Sudoku solver, feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request. Any improvements or bug fixes are welcome.


The code in this repository is available under the MIT License.