
This is a simple chatbot created for the admission process of KJ Somaiya

Primary LanguageJavaScript


version 2.0.0 released

install xampp, nodejs

start apache and mysql from xampp control panel

go to localhost/phpmyadmin

create new database as chat-bot

click on import

select the database.sql file click go

go to project base directory

run the following commad from terminal

npm run start

Go to localhost:3000 from your browser

for grouping of queries:

clone the query grouping API follow the instructions given there

clone the ML model repository follow the instructions given there.

$ which node

copy the path of node

sudo crontab -e

select nano editor

go to bottom of file

create a crontab "0 */1 * * * node_path /absolute_path_to_repository/groupingService/index.js

features: create chat flows as you like

chat history persistence and emailing

ML model to answer not listed queries

panel to list all not answered queries

grouping of not listed queries for easier handling by administrator while replying