
an attempt at cloning git

Primary LanguageJava


this project is a shot at trying to mimic the operations performed by git and to improve them and add new features to the version control system in the future

Supported Commands

add to staging area this command works similar to the git add command.

vcs add [filename | directory-name | .]

Create a commit this command can be used to create a snapshot of the files that are added to the staging area by the user.

vcs commit "commit message"

view status of files this command gives a detailed listing of the files that have beem modified, staged and deleted since the last commit

vcs status

view the history of commits this command is used to view the details of the previous commits in the branch

vcs log

** create or switch to branch** this command creates a new branch if not present or just switches to it if the branch is present.

vcs checkout branch-name

view branches this command lists all the branches and points to the current working branch

vcs branch

configuration this command configures the username and email befor using the VCS

vcs configure [username|email] "value"

rollback to previous commit this command is useful to rollback to the previous nth commit

vcs rollback n
nth commit = CURRENT_COMMIT-n


  • clone the repo
  • create this file "D:\versionControl\repos.vcs
  • keep the service.bat file running
  • place the vcs.bat file on the system path

and you are good to go