
This is the list of the magazines which are published by Hakin9.org on their website, which you can download from here too. Below is the index of magazines that are published here. There are 8 magazines which couldn't be get uploaded due to file size upload policy, but no worries those can be easily downloadable from the website.

  1. IoT and Raspberry Pi Hacker's Toolkit
  2. Hacking Career Jumpstart
  3. Android Applications and Security
  4. Drone Hacking: Exploitation and Vulnerabilities
  5. Python for OSINT Tooling
  6. Ransomware Attacks and Detection
  7. Best of Ethical Hacking Tools in Practice
  8. Live in the Wire
  9. SQL Injection Attacks
  10. Cyber Threat Intelligence
  11. Brute Force techniques with MITRE ATT&CK
  12. Azure and Malware Sandboxes
  13. Attack and Defence in Blockchain Technologies Workshop eBook
  14. Creating a Ransomware With Python
  15. SPACE Y DUMP: Penetration Testing Report by Chrissa Constantine
  16. Phishing Secrets: Attack & Protection
  17. Open Source Android Detection Tools
  18. Blockchain in Cybersecurity
  19. OSINT for Hackers
  20. Web Application Attacks
  21. Wireless Hacking Tools
  22. Hacking Android Smartphones with NFC Tags
  23. The Power of Burp Suite
  24. Burp Suite Compendium
  25. Cyber Kill Chain
  26. Social Engineering Attacks
  27. Best of Ethical Hacking Tools in Practice

Magazines which are not uploaded here

  1. Android Hacking
  2. Hacking with Raspberry Pi 4
  3. Burp Suite for Hackers
  4. SOCMINT for Hackers
  5. Ransomware and Vulnerability Management
  6. Open-Source Tools for 2021
  7. Become a Bug Bounty Hunter
  8. Best Hacking Techniques