The project is demostration of how to implement authenticaton with RestController using modular structure with SOLID priciples
- Spring Boot
- Swagger
- Solid Principle
- There are 4 rest endpoints: Authenticate User, Register User, Get All User and Get Current User.
- The Authenticate User will check the user and password and return an authentication token.
- The Register User will register new user.
- The Get All User will return all users. Requires ADMIN privileges to hit this endpoint.
- The Get Current User will return data about current user. Requires user to be authenticated.
Rest Api Doc - Documentation Link
- To Register new user - /api/auth/register
- To SignIn user - /api/auth/login
- To Get All User - /api/users (Requires Admin Privileges)
- To get user profile - /api/users/me (Requires Authorization)
- Spring Web:
- Spring Security:
- Swagger SpringFox:
- Lombok:
- Mapstruct:
- Jwt IO(jsonwebtoken:):