
Spring Rest Auth with Solid Principles

Primary LanguageJava

Spring Rest Server

The project is demostration of how to implement authenticaton with RestController using modular structure with SOLID priciples


  1. Spring Boot
  2. Swagger
  3. Solid Principle


  • There are 4 rest endpoints: Authenticate User, Register User, Get All User and Get Current User.
  • The Authenticate User will check the user and password and return an authentication token.
  • The Register User will register new user.
  • The Get All User will return all users. Requires ADMIN privileges to hit this endpoint.
  • The Get Current User will return data about current user. Requires user to be authenticated.


Rest Api Doc - Documentation Link

  1. To Register new user - /api/auth/register
  2. To SignIn user - /api/auth/login
  3. To Get All User - /api/users (Requires Admin Privileges)
  4. To get user profile - /api/users/me (Requires Authorization)

Library Used

  1. Spring Web: https://spring.io/
  2. Spring Security: https://spring.io/
  3. Swagger SpringFox: http://springfox.github.io/springfox/docs/snapshot/
  4. Lombok: https://projectlombok.org/
  5. Mapstruct: https://mapstruct.org/
  6. Jwt IO(jsonwebtoken:): https://github.com/jwtk/jjwt