
Bash command line completion for R


This project provides an implementation of context-specific command line completion for R on the bash shell using its bash_completion mechanism. It provides a single file that should be executed after the system bash completion has been loaded, usually by placing it inside /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/ or /etc/bash_completion.d/, or explicitly loading it using

$ . /path/to/bash_completion/R

inside ~/.bashrc.

Examples of context-specific completions

$ R CMD b<TAB>

completes to build.

$ R CMD build --<TAB><TAB>

offers the list of options to R CMD build, which at the time of writing is

--compact-vignettes   --help                --md5                 --no-manual           --resave-data         
--force               --keep-empty-dirs     --no-build-vignettes  --no-resave-data      --version


In a previous life on Google Code, this project also implemented tools for code completion in the R REPL interface. These tools have since been merged into R itself.