
Created a Project on Student Enrollment Form form using JsonPowerDB

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Student Enrollment Form

It is a student registration form that saves the user's information in JSONPowerDB. Both serverless technology and REST APIs are supported. A student's roll number can be used to add or update them. The roll number is automatically verified on this form, and with the use of an API, the data submitted into other input fields is also verified so that the user can change as necessary. AJAX requests are used by the programme to enable quick and seamless interaction. Data of every kind, including numbers, strings, dates, and more, can be saved.

Benefits of using JsonPowerDB

  • Structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data, as well as various file formats and huge data, can be stored.
  • CRUD operations with dynamic relational restrictions. Relational data management is possible without PK, FK, UK, pre-defining databases, tables, etc.
  • Without restrictions imposed by technology - HTTP Rest API is low-code and simple to use from any technology.
  • Reduces development costs, builds more quickly, and has shorter time to market curves.
  • uses a variety of tools and strategies to assist developers in maintaining their databases.

Release History


Version: 1.0

Execute API

var baseUrl = "http://api.login2explore.com:5577";
function executeCommand(reqString, apiEndPointUrl) {
    var url = baseUrl + apiEndPointUrl;
    var jsonObj;
    $.post(url, reqString, function (result) {
        jsonObj = JSON.parse(result);
    }).fail(function (result) {
        var dataJsonObj = result.responseText;
        jsonObj = JSON.parse(dataJsonObj);
    return jsonObj;

Create a PUT Request String

function createPUTRequest(connToken, jsonObj, dbName, relName) {
    var putRequest = "{\n"
            + "\"token\" : \""
            + connToken
            + "\","
            + "\"dbName\": \""
            + dbName
            + "\",\n" + "\"cmd\" : \"PUT\",\n"
            + "\"rel\" : \""
            + relName + "\","
            + "\"jsonStr\": \n"
            + jsonObj
            + "\n"
            + "}";
    return putRequest;


  • Simple to Use
  • Fast Response
  • Detailed User Interface

Tech Stack


HTML CSS Javascript

