
The Command For Backbone Framework

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Is the command tool for Deepglint Backbone Framework


First, You Shoule install Golang and NVM

when install golang, just checkout golang.org

When install NVM, chekcout https://github.com/creationix/nvm

##Get Started

go install github.com/deepglint/backbone-cmd

backbone-cmd component create helloworld

cd helloworld

nvm use 0.10

npm install 


go run helloworld.go

Open Browser and check http://localhost:8004

Or You Can Just Run

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 

and open the Browser http://localhost:8000

##Use Vulcand

cd yourcomponent

backbone vulcand create yourname yourcomponent http://your-ip:8004

bash gen_to_vulcand.sh

and open

The Bumble_bee api:

By yanhuang@deepglint.com