
Neural architecture search for big data problems

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause



The code is available at NASBigData Github repo.

Aging Evolution with Bayesian Optimization (AgEBO) is a nested-distributed algorithm to generate better neural architectures. AgEBO advantages are:

  • the parallel evaluation of neural networks on computing ressources (e.g., cores, gpu, nodes).
  • the parallel training of each evaluated neural networks by using data-parallelism (Horovod).
  • the jointly optimization of hyperparameters and neural architectures which enables the automatic adaptation of data-parallelism setting to avoid a loss of accuracy.

This repo contains the experimental materials linked to the implementation of AgEBO algorithm in DeepHyper's repo. The version of DeepHyper used is: e8e07e2db54dceed83b626104b66a07509a95a8c

Environment information

The experiments were executed on the ThetaGPU supercomputer.

  • OS Login Node: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.15.0-112-generic x86_64)
  • OS Compute Node: NVIDIA DGX Server Version 4.99.9 (GNU/Linux 5.3.0-62-generic x86_64)
  • Python: Miniconda Python 3.8

For more information about the environment refer to the infos-sc21.txt which was generated with the provided SC Author-Kit


Install Miniconda: conda.io. Then create a Python environment:

conda create -n dh-env python=3.8

Then install Deephyper. To have the detailed installation process of DeepHyper follow the instructions given at: deephyper.readthedocs.io. We propose the following commands:

conda activate dh-env
conda install gxx_linux-64 gcc_linux-64 -y
git clone https://github.com/deephyper/deephyper.git
cd deephyper/
git checkout e8e07e2db54dceed83b626104b66a07509a95a8c
pip install -e.
pip install ray[default]

Finally, install the NASBigData package::

cd ..
git clone https://github.com/deephyper/NASBigData.git
cd NASBigData/
pip install -e.

Download and Generate datasets from ECP-Candle

Have the following dependencies installed:

pip install numba
pip install astropy
pip install patsy
pip install statsmodels

For the Combo dataset run:

cd NASBigData/nas_big_data/combo/
sh download_data.sh

For the Attn dataset run:

cd NASBigData/nas_big_data/attn/
sh download_data.sh

How it works

The AgEBO algorithm (Aging Evolution with Bayesian Optimisation) was directly added to the DeepHyper project and can be found here.

To submit and run an experiment on the ThetaGPU system the following command is used:

deephyper ray-submit nas agebo -w combo_2gpu_8_agebo_sync -n 8 -t 180 -A datascience -q full-node --problem nas_big_data.combo.problem_agebo.Problem --run deephyper.nas.run.tf_distributed.run --max-evals 10000 --num-cpus-per-task 2 --num-gpus-per-task 2 -as ../SetUpEnv.sh --n-jobs 16


  • -w denotes the name of the experiment.
  • -n denotes the number of nodes requested.
  • -t denotes the allocation time (minutes) requested.
  • -A denotes the project's name at the ALCF.
  • -q denotes the queue's name.
  • --problem is the Python package import to the Problem definition (which define the hyperparameter and neural architecture search space, the loss to optimise, etc.).
  • --run is the Python package import to the run function (which evaluate each configuration sampled by the search).
  • --max-evals denotes the maximum number of evaluations to performe (often affected to an high value so that the search uses the whole allocation time).
  • --num-cpus-per-task the number of cores used by each evaluation.
  • --num-gpus-per-task the number of GPUs used by each evaluation.
  • --as the absolute PATH to the activation script SetUpEnv.sh (used to initialise the good environment on compute nodes when the allocation is starting).
  • --n-jobs the number of processes that the surrogate model of the Bayesian optimiser can use.

The deephyper ray-submit ... command will create a directory with -w name and automatically generate a submission script for Cobalt (the scheduler at the ALCF). Such a submission script will be composed of the following.

The initialisation of the environment:

#!/bin/bash -x
#COBALT -A datascience
#COBALT -n 8
#COBALT -q full-node
#COBALT -t 180

mkdir infos && cd infos

echo "Script to activate Python env: $ACTIVATE_PYTHON_ENV"

The initialisation of the Ray cluster:


# Script to launch Ray cluster
# Getting the node names
mapfile -t nodes_array -d '\n' < $COBALT_NODEFILE

head_node_ip=$(dig $head_node a +short | awk 'FNR==2')

# if we detect a space character in the head node IP, we'll
# convert it to an ipv4 address. This step is optional.
if [[ "$head_node_ip" == *" "* ]]; then
IFS=' ' read -ra ADDR <<<"$head_node_ip"
if [[ ${#ADDR[0]} -gt 16 ]]; then
echo "IPV6 address detected. We split the IPV4 address as $head_node_ip"

# Starting the Ray Head Node
export ip_head
echo "IP Head: $ip_head"

echo "Starting HEAD at $head_node"
ssh -tt $head_node_ip "source $ACTIVATE_PYTHON_ENV; \
    ray start --head --node-ip-address=$head_node_ip --port=$port \
    --num-cpus $CPUS_PER_NODE --num-gpus $GPUS_PER_NODE --block" &

# optional, though may be useful in certain versions of Ray < 1.0.
sleep 10

# number of nodes other than the head node
worker_num=$((${#nodes_array[*]} - 1))
echo "$worker_num workers"

for ((i = 1; i <= worker_num; i++)); do
    node_i_ip=$(dig $node_i a +short | awk 'FNR==1')
    echo "Starting WORKER $i at $node_i with ip=$node_i_ip"
    ssh -tt $node_i_ip "source $ACTIVATE_PYTHON_ENV; \
        ray start --address $ip_head \
        --num-cpus $CPUS_PER_NODE --num-gpus $GPUS_PER_NODE" --block &
    sleep 5

The DeepHyper command to start the search:

deephyper nas agebo --evaluator ray --ray-address auto \
    --problem nas_big_data.combo.problem_agebo.Problem \
    --run deephyper.nas.run.tf_distributed.run \
    --max-evals 10000 \
    --num-cpus-per-task 2 \
    --num-gpus-per-task 2 \

Commands to reproduce

All the commands can be found in the NASBigData repo.

The experiments are name as {dataset}_{x}gpu_{y}_{z}_{other} where

  • dataset is the name of the corresponding dataset (e.g., combo or attn).
  • x is the number of GPUs used for each trained neural network (e.g., 1, 2, 4, 8).
  • y is the number of nodes used for the allocation (e.g., 1, 2, 4, 8, 16).
  • z is the name of the algorithm (e.g., age, agebo).
  • other are other keywords used to differentiate some experiments (e.g., kappa value)>

We give the full set of commands used to run our experiments.

Combo dataset

  • combo_1gpu_8_age
deephyper ray-submit nas regevo -w combo_1gpu_8_age -n 8 -t 180 -A datascience -q full-node --problem nas_big_data.combo.problem_ae.Problem --run deephyper.nas.run.alpha.run --max-evals 10000 --num-cpus-per-task 1 --num-gpus-per-task 1 -as ../SetUpEnv.sh
  • combo_2gpu_8_age
deephyper ray-submit nas regevo -w combo_2gpu_8_age -n 8 -t 180 -A datascience -q full-node --problem nas_big_data.combo.problem_ae.Problem --run deephyper.nas.run.tf_distributed.run --max-evals 10000 --num-cpus-per-task 2 --num-gpus-per-task 2 -as ../SetUpEnv.sh
  • combo_8gpu_8_age
deephyper ray-submit nas regevo -w combo_8gpu_8_age -n 8 -t 180 -A datascience -q full-node --problem nas_big_data.combo.problem_ae.Problem --run deephyper.nas.run.tf_distributed.run --max-evals 10000 --num-cpus-per-task 8 --num-gpus-per-task 8 -as ../SetUpEnv.sh
  • combo_8gpu_8_agebo
deephyper ray-submit nas agebo -w combo_8gpu_8_agebo -n 8 -t 180 -A datascience -q full-node --problem nas_big_data.combo.problem_agebo.Problem --run deephyper.nas.run.tf_distributed.run --max-evals 10000 --num-cpus-per-task 8 --num-gpus-per-task 8 -as ../SetUpEnv.sh --n-jobs 16
  • combo_2gpu_8_agebo
deephyper ray-submit nas agebo -w combo_2gpu_8_agebo -n 8 -t 180 -A datascience -q full-node --problem nas_big_data.combo.problem_agebo.Problem --run deephyper.nas.run.tf_distributed.run --max-evals 10000 --num-cpus-per-task 2 --num-gpus-per-task 2 -as ../SetUpEnv.sh --n-jobs 16
  • combo_1gpu_2_age
deephyper ray-submit nas regevo -w combo_1gpu_2_age -n 2 -t 180 -A datascience -q full-node --problem nas_big_data.combo.problem_ae.Problem --run deephyper.nas.run.alpha.run --max-evals 10000 --num-cpus-per-task 1 --num-gpus-per-task 1 -as ../SetUpEnv.sh
  • combo_2gpu_4_age
deephyper ray-submit nas regevo -w combo_2gpu_4_age -n 4 -t 180 -A datascience -q full-node --problem nas_big_data.combo.problem_ae.Problem --run deephyper.nas.run.tf_distributed.run --max-evals 10000 --num-cpus-per-task 2 --num-gpus-per-task 2 -as ../SetUpEnv.sh
  • combo_4gpu_8_age
deephyper ray-submit nas regevo -w combo_4gpu_8_age -n 8 -t 180 -A datascience -q full-node --problem nas_big_data.combo.problem_ae.Problem --run deephyper.nas.run.tf_distributed.run --max-evals 10000 --num-cpus-per-task 4 --num-gpus-per-task 4 -as ../SetUpEnv.sh
  • combo_8gpu_16_age
deephyper ray-submit nas regevo -w combo_8gpu_16_age -n 16 -t 180 -A datascience -q full-node --problem nas_big_data.combo.problem_ae.Problem --run deephyper.nas.run.tf_distributed.run --max-evals 10000 --num-cpus-per-task 8 --num-gpus-per-task 8 -as ../SetUpEnv.sh
  • combo_1gpu_2_agebo
deephyper ray-submit nas agebo -w combo_1gpu_2_agebo -n 2 -t 180 -A datascience -q full-node --problem nas_big_data.combo.problem_agebo.Problem --run deephyper.nas.run.alpha.run --max-evals 10000 --num-cpus-per-task 1 --num-gpus-per-task 1 -as ../SetUpEnv.sh --n-jobs 16
  • combo_2gpu_4_agebo
deephyper ray-submit nas agebo -w combo_2gpu_4_agebo -n 4 -t 180 -A datascience -q full-node --problem nas_big_data.combo.problem_agebo.Problem --run deephyper.nas.run.tf_distributed.run --max-evals 10000 --num-cpus-per-task 2 --num-gpus-per-task 2 -as ../SetUpEnv.sh --n-jobs 16
  • combo_4gpu_8_agebo
deephyper ray-submit nas agebo -w combo_4gpu_8_agebo -n 8 -t 180 -A datascience -q full-node --problem nas_big_data.combo.problem_agebo.Problem --run deephyper.nas.run.tf_distributed.run --max-evals 10000 --num-cpus-per-task 4 --num-gpus-per-task 4 -as ../SetUpEnv.sh --n-jobs 16
  • combo_8gpu_16_agebo
deephyper ray-submit nas agebo -w combo_8gpu_16_agebo -n 16 -t 180 -A datascience -q full-node --problem nas_big_data.combo.problem_agebo.Problem --run deephyper.nas.run.tf_distributed.run --max-evals 10000 --num-cpus-per-task 8 --num-gpus-per-task 8 -as ../SetUpEnv.sh --n-jobs 16
  • combo_4gpu_8_agebo_1_96
deephyper ray-submit nas agebo -w combo_4gpu_8_agebo_1_96 -n 8 -t 180 -A datascience -q full-node --problem nas_big_data.combo.problem_agebo.Problem --run deephyper.nas.run.tf_distributed.run --max-evals 10000 --num-cpus-per-task 4 --num-gpus-per-task 4 -as ../SetUpEnv.sh --n-jobs 16 --kappa 1.96
  • combo_4gpu_8_agebo_19_6
deephyper ray-submit nas agebo -w combo_4gpu_8_agebo_19_6 -n 8 -t 180 -A datascience -q full-node --problem nas_big_data.combo.problem_agebo.Problem --run deephyper.nas.run.tf_distributed.run --max-evals 10000 --num-cpus-per-task 4 --num-gpus-per-task 4 -as ../SetUpEnv.sh --n-jobs 16 --kappa 19.6
  • combo_1gpu_8_agebo
deephyper ray-submit nas agebo -w combo_1gpu_8_agebo -n 8 -t 180 -A datascience -q full-node --problem nas_big_data.combo.problem_agebo.Problem --run deephyper.nas.run.alpha.run --max-evals 10000 --num-cpus-per-task 1 --num-gpus-per-task 1 -as ../SetUpEnv.sh --n-jobs 16
  • combo_4gpu_8_ambsmixed
deephyper ray-submit nas ambsmixed -w combo_4gpu_8_ambsmixed -n 8 -t 180 -A datascience -q full-node --problem nas_big_data.combo.problem_agebo.Problem --run deephyper.nas.run.tf_distributed.run --max-evals 10000 --num-cpus-per-task 4 --num-gpus-per-task 4 -as ../SetUpEnv.sh --n-jobs 16
  • combo_4gpu_8_regevomixed
deephyper ray-submit nas regevomixed -w combo_4gpu_8_regevomixed -n 8 -t 180 -A datascience -q full-node --problem nas_big_data.combo.problem_agebo.Problem --run deephyper.nas.run.tf_distributed.run --max-evals 10000 --num-cpus-per-task 4 --num-gpus-per-task 4 -as ../SetUpEnv.sh
  • combo_2gpu_1_age
deephyper ray-submit nas regevo -w combo_2gpu_1_age -n 1 -t 180 -A datascience -q full-node --problem nas_big_data.combo.problem_ae.Problem --run deephyper.nas.run.tf_distributed.run --max-evals 10000 --num-cpus-per-task 2 --num-gpus-per-task 2 -as ../SetUpEnv.sh
  • combo_2gpu_2_age
deephyper ray-submit nas regevo -w combo_2gpu_2_age -n 2 -t 180 -A datascience -q full-node --problem nas_big_data.combo.problem_ae.Problem --run deephyper.nas.run.tf_distributed.run --max-evals 10000 --num-cpus-per-task 2 --num-gpus-per-task 2 -as ../SetUpEnv.sh
  • combo_2gpu_16_age
deephyper ray-submit nas regevo -w combo_2gpu_16_age -n 16 -t 180 -A datascience -q full-node --problem nas_big_data.combo.problem_ae.Problem --run deephyper.nas.run.tf_distributed.run --max-evals 10000 --num-cpus-per-task 2 --num-gpus-per-task 2 -as ../SetUpEnv.sh
  • combo_2gpu_1_agebo
deephyper ray-submit nas agebo -w combo_2gpu_1_agebo -n 1 -t 180 -A datascience -q full-node --problem nas_big_data.combo.problem_agebo.Problem --run deephyper.nas.run.tf_distributed.run --max-evals 10000 --num-cpus-per-task 2 --num-gpus-per-task 2 -as ../SetUpEnv.sh --n-jobs 16
  • combo_2gpu_2_agebo
deephyper ray-submit nas agebo -w combo_2gpu_2_agebo -n 2 -t 180 -A datascience -q full-node --problem nas_big_data.combo.problem_agebo.Problem --run deephyper.nas.run.tf_distributed.run --max-evals 10000 --num-cpus-per-task 2 --num-gpus-per-task 2 -as ../SetUpEnv.sh --n-jobs 16
  • combo_2gpu_16_agebo
deephyper ray-submit nas agebo -w combo_2gpu_16_agebo -n 16 -t 180 -A datascience -q full-node --problem nas_big_data.combo.problem_agebo.Problem --run deephyper.nas.run.tf_distributed.run --max-evals 10000 --num-cpus-per-task 2 --num-gpus-per-task 2 -as ../SetUpEnv.sh --n-jobs 16

Attn dataset

  • attn_1gpu_8_age
deephyper ray-submit nas regevo -w attn_1gpu_8_age -n 8 -t 180 -A datascience -q full-node --problem nas_big_data.attn.problem_ae.Problem --run deephyper.nas.run.alpha.run --max-evals 10000 --num-cpus-per-task 1 --num-gpus-per-task 1 -as ../SetUpEnv.sh
  • attn_1gpu_8_agebo
deephyper ray-submit nas agebo -w attn_1gpu_8_agebo -n 8 -t 180 -A datascience -q full-node --problem nas_big_data.attn.problem_agebo.Problem --run deephyper.nas.run.alpha.run --max-evals 10000 --num-cpus-per-task 1 --num-gpus-per-task 1 -as ../SetUpEnv.sh --n-jobs 16
  • attn_2gpu_8_agebo
deephyper ray-submit nas agebo -w attn_2gpu_8_agebo -n 8 -t 180 -A datascience -q full-node --problem nas_big_data.attn.problem_agebo.Problem --run deephyper.nas.run.tf_distributed.run --max-evals 10000 --num-cpus-per-task 2 --num-gpus-per-task 2 -as ../SetUpEnv.sh --n-jobs 16
  • attn_4gpu_8_agebo
deephyper ray-submit nas agebo -w attn_4gpu_8_agebo -n 8 -t 180 -A datascience -q full-node --problem nas_big_data.attn.problem_agebo.Problem --run deephyper.nas.run.tf_distributed.run --max-evals 10000 --num-cpus-per-task 4 --num-gpus-per-task 4 -as ../SetUpEnv.sh --n-jobs 16
  • attn_8gpu_8_agebo
deephyper ray-submit nas agebo -w attn_8gpu_8_agebo -n 8 -t 180 -A datascience -q full-node --problem nas_big_data.attn.problem_agebo.Problem --run deephyper.nas.run.tf_distributed.run --max-evals 10000 --num-cpus-per-task 8 --num-gpus-per-task 8 -as ../SetUpEnv.sh --n-jobs 16