
Simple clock application.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Simple clock application for Deepin. It offers viewing different clocks of the timezones all over the world. You can also add alarms, use the stopwatch or set a timer.



 - Qt Core
 - Qt Widgets
 - Qt Gui
 - Qt Network
 - Qt DBus
 - Dtk Core
 - Dtk Widgets
 - DFrameworkDBus (Dtk)

If you want to compile this project, you'll need to get the development files too.

How to compile

In the source directory, where Clock.pro is located, use the following to get the binary in a build directory:

$ mkdir build
$ cd buil
$ qmake ../
$ make

To execute

If you've followed the compilation process mentioned before, you can use:

$ ./Clock