
单尺度0.791! InsightFace赛高!RetinaFace MobileNet0.25同人模型公开

yangfly opened this issue · 58 comments

RetinaFace 牛逼!:two_hearts: InsightFace 赛高!:two_hearts:

开放 mobilenet0.25 版 RetinaFace 同人版模型
更完整的模型、日志和WiderFace测试截图 百度云 提取码:nzof GoogleDrive


模型说明,使用的是Gluon Model Zoo 的标准版 MobileNet0.25 预训练模型。(没有 fast downsampling,模型大小 1.68Mb)
Batch-size 32x2(两块1080Ti),其他参数都是 RetinaFace 默认的。

WIDER Face Hard 单尺度测试:0.791

WIDER Face Hard 多尺度测试:0.825



Great! Thanks for sharing!

@yangfly how can we download mobileNet model ? Dropbox better in Europe ?

Can you share the model link?

@MyraBaba Update Google Drive

@yangfly thanks a lot

is the detector line :

detector = RetinaFace('/Users/xxx/Downloads/mnet.25/mobilenet_0_25' , 0 , gpuid , 'net3')

is this correct ? because it gives error:

File "/Users/xxx/Projects/new_/insight_10May/insightface/RetinaFace/", line 228, in detect
scores = scores[:, self._num_anchors['stride%s'%s]:, :, :]
IndexError: too many indices for array

@yangfly Thanks for uploading the models. Could you explain what the difference is between mobilenet_0_25-0000 and mnet.25-0000 ?

@yangfly @nttstar
Can we convert this to TVM ?

@yangfly Thanks for uploading the models. Could you explain what the difference is between mobilenet_0_25-0000 and mnet.25-0000 ?

mobilenet_0_25-0000 is the pre-trained model from Gluon Model Zoo and mnet.25-0000 is the detector that I trained.

@yangfly Ah... I get it... thanks... (I was thinking they BOTH are Detector models)

@yangfly quick question:

When I try mobile model mode cpu is using 4 cores and perform very well and fast, but normal model using only one core and pretty slooooow in cpu.

any idea why ? how can I push to use all available cores ?


has anyone convert it to caffe or tensorflow pb ,will u share it?

Hi, @yangfly can you share with us the used for training ? Thank you

Hi, @yangfly can you share with us the used for training ? Thank you

The is added to BaiduYun and GoogleDrive.

has anyone convert it to caffe or tensorflow pb ,will u share it?


1 测试 (WIDER Face Hard 单尺度测试:0.791) 这个时的scale和阈值是怎么设定的。
2 测试widerface时, scale一直为1.0, 阈值0.02, easy为0.897,medium为0.874, hard 为 0.703, hard曲线有点差

参考test_widerface, 短边1600 @ytt1790579195

我没有修改 和 中的任何参数

Hi, @yangfly can you share with us the used for training ? Thank you

The is added to BaiduYun and GoogleDrive.

Hi, @yangfly 我发现在你提供的config中使用的是network.mnet.pretrained = 'model/mobilenet025fd0' #78,这个mobilenet025fd0代表的是fast downsample的mobilenet0_25吧。从哪里能获取到呢

@nttstar Do you know where to get the pretrained model named "mobilenet025fd0"?

@nttstar Do you know where to get the pretrained model named "mobilenet025fd0"?
I didn't use mobilenet025fd0.

mnet0.25的anchor设置貌似没有scale step,默认使用了RAC_SSH的配置,anchor的大小与论文中Table2不一致,对吗(默默过来确认一下

配置参数,在 train.log 中都打印出来了。

配置参数,在 train.log 中都打印出来了。


Can you help regarding TVM conversion ?



  1. TVM conversion: You may convert by yourself for the different hardware platforms.
  2. MobileNet version: v1 0.25
  3. 结果不一致:你可能需要 debug 下,比如中间结果,配置参数.

hello @yangfly

我用的gpu是titan xp。

how did you resolved the below error
File "/Users/xxx/Projects/new_/insight_10May/insightface/RetinaFace/", line 228, in detect
scores = scores[:, self._num_anchors['stride%s'%s]:, :, :]
IndexError: too many indices for array

please help


I havent faced such error yet.

sorry I noticed that I have :)

let me look and get back to you

how did you resolved the below error
File "/Users/xxx/Projects/new_/insight_10May/insightface/RetinaFace/", line 228, in detect
scores = scores[:, self._num_anchors['stride%s'%s]:, :, :]
IndexError: too many indices for array
please help

hello, you can print the shape of scores, i think it is 3 dementions.

Hi, @yangfly can you share with us the used for training ? Thank you

The is added to BaiduYun and GoogleDrive.

hello,could you share the link? I can`t find in the shared links.

if i want to save my model each 5 epochs ,how to set the param?


I havent faced such error yet.

sorry I noticed that I have :)

let me look and get back to you

Have you found it? :)

@yangfly muchas gracias

es la linea de detectores:

detector = RetinaFace('/Users/xxx/Downloads/mnet.25/mobilenet_0_25' , 0 , gpuid , 'net3')

es esto correcto ? porque da error:

Archivo "/Users/xxx/Projects/new_/insight_10May/insightface/RetinaFace/", línea 228, en
puntajes de detección = puntajes [:, self._num_anchors ['stride% s'% s] :,:,: ]
IndexError: demasiados índices para la matriz

I got the same problem
I dont know if @yangfly @MyraBaba can tell how you solved.

mobilenet_0_25-0000 is the pre-trained model from Gluon Model Zoo and mnet.25-0000 is the detector that I trained.

is the detector line :

detector = RetinaFace('/Users/xxx/Downloads/mnet.25/mobilenet_0_25' , 0 , gpuid , 'net3')

is this correct ? because it gives error:

File "/Users/xxx/Projects/new_/insight_10May/insightface/RetinaFace/", line 228, in detect
scores = scores[:, self._num_anchors['stride%s'%s]:, :, :]
IndexError: too many indices for array

mobilenet_0_25 is just the pre-trained.
You should use mnet.25 instead.

配置参数,在 train.log 中都打印出来了。

command 2>&1 | tee train.log

@yangfly Good job!!When I test this model,I found that it consumes so much memory about 3G,could you tell me why?


@yangfly Did you only use wider face dataset when training?What is the batch size when you training?Thanks a lot!

Did you use different learning rate & learning rate schedule while training on mobilenet (compared to resnet)? I don't see these values in the config files...

@yangfly 你好,参考了你提供的训练日志,我发现FG acc 开始会往下降到0,然后在回升。这个现象是正常的么,我遇到的问题是FG acc下降到0以后就不会再回升,你有遇到过这问题么

lbin commented 单尺度相同设置hard达到85.55%

hello @yangfly

我用的gpu是titan xp。


@yangfly 你好,参考了你提供的训练日志,我发现FG acc 开始会往下降到0,然后在回升。这个现象是正常的么,我遇到的问题是FG acc下降到0以后就不会再回升,你有遇到过这问题么



hello @yangfly

我用的gpu是titan xp。


hello @yangfly
我用的gpu是titan xp。



+1 Waiting for fine tuned optimized version with tensorRT or TVM.

Can be quantize it ? fp16 or int8 with minimal loss in accuracy ?
or an AutoTune version ?

@yangfly 您好,有个问题,在使用test_widerface.py时,怎么分开测试easy,medium,hard三种测试集呢?或者怎么分开测试验证集呢?图片中的recall all是不是就是最终参考的指标? 谢谢您的时间

@yangfly What is the output shape of this mobilenet model ?

请问,有测试过mnet0.25使用cpu在VGA分辨率下的时间吗?我在ncnn框架下测试时间为50ms(单线程),和文章相差较大 @leo2105 @yangfly @ashuezy @chenzhengnan

@yangfly, I executed retinaface based on mobilenet0.25 (you trained) from onnx file.
I checked the weight of the onnx file was the same as the pretrained model.
When I checked confidence (face_rpn_cls_prob_reshape_stride32, face_rpn_cls_prob_reshape_stride16, face_rpn_cls_prob_reshape_stride8), the value is too weired.
Can you share a preprocessing method? or do you have similar problems?

00000 = {float} 0.9999858140945435
00001 = {float} 0.9999855756759644
00002 = {float} 0.9999837875366211
00003 = {float} 0.9999805688858032
00004 = {float} 0.9999803304672241
00005 = {float} 0.9999790191650391
00006 = {float} 0.9999761581420898
00007 = {float} 0.9999642372131348
00008 = {float} 0.999963641166687
00009 = {float} 0.999963641166687
00010 = {float} 0.999962568283081
00011 = {float} 0.999962329864502
00012 = {float} 0.9999611377716064
00013 = {float} 0.9999608993530273

@yangfly What is the license on the models your trained? Is it MIT?