- 1
Suuport for YOLO v11
#3513 opened by harikrishnanmurthy - 3
UnsatisfiedLinkError when running examples
#3480 opened by dwctic - 14
- 1
I have a pytorch model exported as an onnx format, Which engine should I to set when I use Criteria? During prediction, I use NDManager.newBaseManager to get a NDManager, which engine should NDManager.newBaseManager use?
#3508 opened by BlackRen09 - 0
[pytorch] Update to support PyTorch 2.5.0
#3506 opened by enpasos - 5
Request for SAM2 Model in ONNX Format and Synset File for Classification Output
#3483 opened by leleZeng - 4
SAM2 more than one point and label error
#3484 opened by canglaoshidaidui - 3
Expose vLLM logprobs in model output
#3491 opened by CoolFish88 - 1
pytorch-jni-1.13.1-0.30.0.jar missing jnilib/osx-x86_64/* entries that were in pytorch-jni-1.13.1-0.28.0.jar
#3488 opened by david-sitsky - 0
TensortRT-LLM compilation parameter overwrite
#3489 opened by CoolFish88 - 2
Please add JPMS/module-info data to this project
#3473 opened by Siedlerchr - 3
- 1
#3448 opened by yongyupei - 2
Memory Leak when calling RsNDArray.toByteBuffer()
#3413 opened by markap14 - 4
Onnxruntime-gpu 1.8.0 killed the process on cpu device
#3366 opened by zaobao - 0
Failed to deploy Mistral 8X7b with the latest LMI djl-tensorrtllm container on Sagemaker G5.48xlarge
#3445 opened by gsjoy8888 - 2
BAAI/bge-m3 Model: data did not match any variant of untagged enum PreTokenizerWrapper
#3438 opened by iprovalo - 4
DJL Error on simple Pytorch binding code
#3414 opened by eix128 - 1
[FEATURE] Add metod to `Criteria` to check whether the model was downloaded or not
#3397 opened by InAnYan - 1
Windows libraries for pytorch-native-cpu are missing for version 2.3.0 from maven central.
#3238 opened by AlexanderSchuetz97 - 1
- 1
How to load .pt model in scala?
#3402 opened by zaryabRiasat - 1
Error issue using BatchPredict API
#3401 opened by suntingfeng - 2
Error using batchPredict with QAInput
#3383 opened by willmostly - 17
How to serv with 2 model folders?
#3360 opened by SidneyLann - 2
Support PyTorch 2.4
#3364 opened by enpasos - 2
- 1
OFA-Sys Chinese-CLIP Example
#3363 opened by heliang230 - 8
[pytorch] UnsatisfiedLinkError on Windows11/Intel
#3232 opened by enpasos - 4
TF engine memory not fully released
#3341 opened by ewan0x79 - 4
- 3
Model conversion process failed when deploying Mixtral 8x22B AWQ with djl-tensorrtllm to Sagemaker
#3343 opened by gsjoy8888 - 0
LSTM .optReturnSequence(false) method missed
#3342 opened by iamuspace - 4
ONNX Engine Options Bug, ONNX features cannot be defined,It's a parameter type design problem
#3227 opened by TommysLee - 1
Memory leak in HF tokenizer when using truncation and optWithOverflowingTokens(false)
#3316 opened by lesters - 2
- 4
TfModel doesn't support `Model#load(InputStream is)`
#3303 opened by tadayosi - 6
- 0
When there are multiple engines on the classpath, DJL might randomly select a non-optimal one
#3296 opened by syskin345 - 3
MXNet NLP GloVe model causes error "Native resource has been released already"
#3286 opened by tadayosi - 1
Can I load a pytorch pretrained model, and use its block to replace one in my network?
#3278 opened by kobe2000 - 2
CPU Version of TensorFlow Native Package Incorrectly Includes GPU Dependencies
#3272 opened by ewan0x79 - 0
TimeSeries API PyTorch Engine support
#3259 opened by keklol5050 - 2
ai.djl.nn.transformer IdEmbedding has memory leak.
#3251 opened by junphine - 1
Does Lightgbm support multi-class inference?
#3223 opened by llmmddCoder - 1
resize diff between java djl and python cv2
#3222 opened by GuoQuanhao - 0
tensorrt 的demo 有吗 yolov8的
#3214 opened by liautumn - 0
TextEmbeddingTranslator fails with "EngineException: Expected all tensors to be on the same device"
#3211 opened by david-sitsky - 0
- 0
How can I implement the Adaline perceptron in DJL
#3197 opened by MohamedLEGH