Bug? Serializer throws on tuples with null union eg [number | null, number | null]
lionelhorn opened this issue · 1 comments
lionelhorn commented
The following test will throw when executing cast<T>
More context in discord
test("cast literal obj having typed tuple [number | null, number | null] as nested prop", () => {
type MinMax = [min: number | null, max: number | null];
class T {
building?: {
area?: MinMax
// const d = JSON.parse('{"building":{"area":[120,null]}}');
const data: T = cast<T>({
building: {
area: [120, null]
const errors = validate<T>(data);
Error: Could not build function(_context,typeSettings,UnpopulatedCheck,UnpopulatedCheckReturnSymbol,jit_0,isGroupAllowed,jit_1,jit_2,guard_number_0,Number,ValidationError,stringifyValueWithType,guard_number_1,guard_null_0,guard_number_2,guard_null_1,ValidationErrorItem,guard_number_3,guard_number_4,guard_null_2,guard_number_5,guard_null_3): SyntaxError: Identifier 'oldErrors' has already been declared
'use strict';
return function self(data, state, _path) {
'use strict';
var result;
if (_path === undefined) _path = '';
state = state ? state : {};
let __0;
let i_0 = 0;
result = [];
__0 = undefined;
const oldErrors = state.errors;
if (state.errors) state.errors = [];
//type guard for union
if (false) {} else if (state.loosely !== false && guard_number_0(data, state, _path + '.' + i_0, i_0)) {
//type = number, specificality=-0.5
__0 = 'number' !== typeof data[i_0] && state.loosely !== false ? Number(data[i_0]) : data[i_0];
if (isNaN(__0)) throw ValidationError.from([{
code: 'type',
path: _path + '.' + i_0,
message: 'Cannot convert ' + data[i_0] + ' to ' + "number"
} else if (guard_number_1(data, state, _path + '.' + i_0, i_0)) {
//type = number, specificality=1
__0 = 'number' !== typeof data[i_0] && state.loosely !== false ? Number(data[i_0]) : data[i_0];
if (isNaN(__0)) throw ValidationError.from([{
code: 'type',
path: _path + '.' + i_0,
message: 'Cannot convert ' + data[i_0] + ' to ' + "number"
} else if (guard_null_0(data, state, _path + '.' + i_0, i_0)) {
//type = null, specificality=1
__0 = null;
} else if (guard_number_2(data, state, _path + '.' + i_0, i_0)) {
//type = number, specificality=2
__0 = 'number' !== typeof data[i_0] && state.loosely !== false ? Number(data[i_0]) : data[i_0];
if (isNaN(__0)) throw ValidationError.from([{
code: 'type',
path: _path + '.' + i_0,
message: 'Cannot convert ' + data[i_0] + ' to ' + "number"
} else if (guard_null_1(data, state, _path + '.' + i_0, i_0)) {
//type = null, specificality=2
__0 = null;
} else {
if (state.errors) {
__0 = false;
state.errors = oldErrors;
if (state.errors) state.errors.push(new ValidationErrorItem(_path + '.' + i_0, "type", "No valid union member found. Valid: number | null", data[i_0]));
state.errors = oldErrors;
if (__0 !== undefined) {
} else if (false) {
__0 = undefined;
const oldErrors = state.errors;
if (state.errors) state.errors = [];
//type guard for union
if (false) {} else if (state.loosely !== false && guard_number_3(data, state, _path + '.' + i_0, i_0)) {
//type = number, specificality=-0.5
__0 = 'number' !== typeof data[i_0] && state.loosely !== false ? Number(data[i_0]) : data[i_0];
if (isNaN(__0)) throw ValidationError.from([{
code: 'type',
path: _path + '.' + i_0,
message: 'Cannot convert ' + data[i_0] + ' to ' + "number"
} else if (guard_number_4(data, state, _path + '.' + i_0, i_0)) {
//type = number, specificality=1
__0 = 'number' !== typeof data[i_0] && state.loosely !== false ? Number(data[i_0]) : data[i_0];
if (isNaN(__0)) throw ValidationError.from([{
code: 'type',
path: _path + '.' + i_0,
message: 'Cannot convert ' + data[i_0] + ' to ' + "number"
} else if (guard_null_2(data, state, _path + '.' + i_0, i_0)) {
//type = null, specificality=1
__0 = null;
} else if (guard_number_5(data, state, _path + '.' + i_0, i_0)) {
//type = number, specificality=2
__0 = 'number' !== typeof data[i_0] && state.loosely !== false ? Number(data[i_0]) : data[i_0];
if (isNaN(__0)) throw ValidationError.from([{
code: 'type',
path: _path + '.' + i_0,
message: 'Cannot convert ' + data[i_0] + ' to ' + "number"
} else if (guard_null_3(data, state, _path + '.' + i_0, i_0)) {
//type = null, specificality=2
__0 = null;
} else {
if (state.errors) {
__0 = false;
state.errors = oldErrors;
if (state.errors) state.errors.push(new ValidationErrorItem(_path + '.' + i_0, "type", "No valid union member found. Valid: number | null", data[i_0]));
state.errors = oldErrors;
if (__0 !== undefined) {
} else if (false) {
return result;
at CompilerContext.build (file:///C:/PROG/deepform/node_modules/.pnpm/@deepkit+core@1.0.1-alpha.147/node_modules/@deepkit/core/src/compiler.ts:115:19)
at buildFunction (file:///C:/PROG/deepform/node_modules/.pnpm/@deepkit+type@1.0.1-alpha.151_@deepkit+core@1.0.1-alpha.147/node_modules/@deepkit/type/src/serializer.ts:775:34)
at executeTemplates (file:///C:/PROG/deepform/node_modules/.pnpm/@deepkit+type@1.0.1-alpha.151_@deepkit+core@1.0.1-alpha.147/node_modules/@deepkit/type/src/serializer.ts:850:25)
at createConverterJSForMember (file:///C:/PROG/deepform/node_modules/.pnpm/@deepkit+type@1.0.1-alpha.151_@deepkit+core@1.0.1-alpha.147/node_modules/@deepkit/type/src/serializer.ts:874:19)
at serializeObjectLiteral (file:///C:/PROG/deepform/node_modules/.pnpm/@deepkit+type@1.0.1-alpha.151_@deepkit+core@1.0.1-alpha.147/node_modules/@deepkit/type/src/serializer.ts:1234:23)
at executeTemplates (file:///C:/PROG/deepform/node_modules/.pnpm/@deepkit+type@1.0.1-alpha.151_@deepkit+core@1.0.1-alpha.147/node_modules/@deepkit/type/src/serializer.ts:843:13)
at createConverterJSForMember (file:///C:/PROG/deepform/node_modules/.pnpm/@deepkit+type@1.0.1-alpha.151_@deepkit+core@1.0.1-alpha.147/node_modules/@deepkit/type/src/serializer.ts:874:19)
at serializeObjectLiteral (file:///C:/PROG/deepform/node_modules/.pnpm/@deepkit+type@1.0.1-alpha.151_@deepkit+core@1.0.1-alpha.147/node_modules/@deepkit/type/src/serializer.ts:1234:23)
at executeTemplates (file:///C:/PROG/deepform/node_modules/.pnpm/@deepkit+type@1.0.1-alpha.151_@deepkit+core@1.0.1-alpha.147/node_modules/@deepkit/type/src/serializer.ts:843:13)
at createSerializeFunction (file:///C:/PROG/deepform/node_modules/.pnpm/@deepkit+type@1.0.1-alpha.151_@deepkit+core@1.0.1-alpha.147/node_modules/@deepkit/type/src/serializer.ts:241:11)
lionelhorn commented
Some failing tests
https://github.com/lionelhorn/deepkit-framework/blob/603-fix-tuples-cast/packages/type/tests/issues/typed-tuples.spec.ts in current master 5ae467e