- 3
Compiler produces mixed ESM and CJS import syntax (Electron Forge x Vite x DeepKit)
#615 opened by augustsaintfreytag - 1
- 0
- 1
ORM adapter for LibSQL
#610 opened by ansarizafar - 2
ORM adapter for PgLite
#609 opened by ansarizafar - 1
- 1
Bug? Serializer throws on tuples with null union eg [number | null, number | null]
#603 opened by lionelhorn - 2
[Feature request] API SDK extraction
#548 opened by alpharder - 0
[type-compiler] exclude declare statements
#601 opened by marcj - 0
- 0
Bug: missing shebang in bin/deepkit-sql.js @deepkit/sql
#598 opened by rktyt - 2
DI: Undefined dependency "context: InjectorContext"
#597 opened by Murzbul - 7
DI: Module provider visibility issue
#596 opened by alpharder - 6
Next.js working setup example
#583 opened by nanoander - 1
[Feature Request] Deepkit RPC: Getting connection info e.g., client IP & http request header
#594 opened by kkimdev - 3
[Doc] DeepkitLoader setup guide and examples?
#593 opened by kkimdev - 3
Vite Plugin
#584 opened by tm-3 - 1
HTTP: compression should not be enabled by default
#592 opened by alpharder - 2
DX: Bug?: HTTP: better `next()` usage docs
#591 opened by alpharder - 0
Bug: HTTP: ending response at middleware results in no log entry for request
#590 opened by alpharder - 0
DX: HTTP: throwing @ HTTP Middlewares
#589 opened by alpharder - 0
DX: App: `createModule()` requires an argument, but none of its properties are mandatory
#588 opened by alpharder - 0
DX: Two separate `Inject` exports
#587 opened by alpharder - 2
validation of literal types not working
#578 opened by i-am-ian - 2
Replace faker with a maintained version of the package
#582 opened by ST-DDT - 2
- 0
- 5
Framework Export named 'BrokerKeyValue' not found
#574 opened by gabdara - 1
Provide batch mechanism in Message Queue
#575 opened by colorcube - 0
[bson] make sure NaN is serialized as 0
#573 opened by marcj - 0
Add light theme in documentation, please!
#572 opened by kozubsky - 0
Feature request: Support for ORM nominal types
#571 opened by alpharder - 1
not work on namespace
#569 opened by s97712 - 5
- 7
Observability tools
#567 opened by Enity - 3
`validate` with generics and arrays
#565 opened by NinjaKinshasa - 0
Deserialization issue
#566 opened by vany0114 - 33
Simple use of serialize<T>(data) is not working - "No type information received. Circular import or no runtime type available."
#562 opened by juanda147 - 2
type: intersections & unions don't work together
#556 opened by fergusean - 0
type-compiler: tsx not working
#560 opened by marcj - 0
No valid runtime type for external library imports
#555 opened by marcus-sa - 0
[mongo] don't throw on initial hosts connections
#554 opened by marcj - 1
[orm] Postresql UniqueConstraintFailure | Doesn't always provide whole error context
#547 opened by lionelhorn - 0
Reflection class properties lose their optional information for mapped types
#514 opened by marcus-sa - 3
typeName isn't available when importing classes as type only from external libraries
#537 opened by marcus-sa - 0
Add prettier config
#518 opened by marcus-sa - 1
- 0
fix docs: Getting started is broken
#530 opened by micalevisk - 1
[type]: conditional type inference unexpected
#524 opened by kelvinschen - 0
Method/function overloading is not supported
#522 opened by marcus-sa