- Course page
- Course notes
- Notebook for lesson 1
- Lesson 1 Overview
- Lesson 1: Practical Deep Learning for Coders
wget http://www.platform.ai/files/nbs/lesson1.ipynb
wget http://www.platform.ai/files/nbs/utils.zip
wget http://www.platform.ai/files/nbs/vgg16.zip
wget http://www.platform.ai/data/dogscats.zip
unzip utils.zip
unzip vgg16.zip
unzip dogscats.zip
rm dogscats.zip
rm utils.zip
rm vgg16.zip
Do not use the wget for utils.zip
and vgg16.zip
Instead, please download from github repo and also include vgg16bn.py
- convolution-intro.ipynb - The convolution tutorial notebook used in the introductory lesson presented during the Data Institute launch
- lesson2.ipynb - the main notebook for lesson 2
- redux.ipynb - how to enter the Dogs vs Cats Redux competition, and how to visualize your models correct and incorrect predictions
- sgd-intro.ipynb - the simple SGD tutorial
val_data = get_data(val_batches)
trn_data = get_data(batches)
should be
val_data = get_data(path + 'valid')
trn_data = get_data(path + 'train')
More over, using get_data would cause your memory to be inefficient (on p2.x on aws), it is suggested on the fourms to use batch generator instead.
I overcame the problem by running the code as it is, save using bcolz. Afterwards i restart the notebook, and only ran the load command without get_data.
As an aside, you can use sys.getsizeof()
to understand the memory usage of each python object.
This link is also a good read to understand how to monitor your instance memory stance.
def fit_model(model, batches, val_batches, nb_epoch=1):
model.fit_generator(batches, samples_per_epoch=batches.N, nb_epoch=nb_epoch,
validation_data=val_batches, nb_val_samples=val_batches.N)
model.evaluate_generator(get_batches('valid', gen, False, batch_size*2), val_batches.N)
The batches.N
and val_batches.N
should be batches.n
and val_batches.n
instead based on the util functions.
- Course page
- Note that there are also articles on Matrix Product, Convolutions (and max pooling), Activations, SGD, Backprop.
- Lesson 3 video
- Lesson 3 notebook
- convolution-intro.ipynb - The convolution tutorial notebook used in the introductory lesson presented during the Data Institute launch. This is covered in week2 as well.
- Mnist walkthrough notebook
- Suggested Extra Readings
- To do:
- Understand Batch-normalization
- Understand difference between Correlation and Convolution.
does not exists inimage.ImageDataGenerator
gen = image.ImageDataGenerator(rotation_range=10,
width_zoom_range=0.2, shear_range=0.15, zoom_range=0.1,
channel_shift_range=10., horizontal_flip=True, dim_ordering='tf')
is not provided.- Tried using
weights, but the val_loss explodes upwards. - Tried using
weights, similar case.
Further notes for reference:
- adjusting learning rates - most promising, but have to wait for week4 lessons
- Enquiry about bn_do3_1.h5
- Proposed solution - but does not work for me
wget http://files.grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/ml-latest-small.zip
unzip ml-latest-small.zip
mv ml-latest-small.zip/ ml-small/
other models are available here.
wget http://www.platform.ai/models/glove/6B.50d.tgz
tar -zxf 6B.50d.tgz
If you have the error
'The following error happened while compiling the node'
refer to here
basically, go to your keras packages, and edit theano_backend.py
def round(x): return T.round(x, mode='half_to_even')
def round(x): return T.round(x, mode='half_away_from_zero')
The seed is very important in the training of neural nets, you might not get the same results as the author.
- Additional notes here.