PyTorch implementation of CIDER (How to exploit hyperspherical embeddings for out-of-distribution detection), ICLR 2023
- alvinmingwisc
- BierOneHong Kong
- btma48
- chen-qichaoUniverisity of Nottingham
- dsindex
- fly51flyPRIS
- Gank0078
- Gary828Central South University
- gcfengxu
- Hao-tian-ZhengXidian Universtiy
- HaoYang-219
- HaoyueBaiZJU
- hyaihjq
- hybai
- imhgchoiMadison, WI
- KooryeUniversity of Eletronic Science and Technology of China
- linhaowei1Peking University
- liujunzhuo
- lnq325805524SWJTU
- longrongyangZhejiang University
- louaaron
- naomixixi
- nukezilNanjing University
- PKUCSSAlibaba Inc
- poaboagyeUniversity of Utah
- RabbitBossJilin University
- roomo7time
- SandalotsVolcanak
- shuaiNJU
- SiyuanYan1Monash University
- TianhongDaiImperial College London
- tocom242242any where
- Top34051Stanford, California
- XixiLiu95Chalmers University of Technology
- xuanlongORZParis-Saclay University | ENSTA Paris
- yulonghuiPeking University