- 7
【BUG】can't find '__main__' module in '/root/lyd/unimol/Prediction/scripts/./train_dataset'
#311 opened by Carpdong - 2
DEMO code for extracting features using UNIMOL2
#284 opened by pansanity666 - 3
How to implement a simple inference?
#287 opened by 18930215187 - 1
- 4
#303 opened by jianing1997 - 27
【BUG】Uni-Mol Molecular Property Prediction
#301 opened by Self-333 - 1
- 1
About finetuning the Uni-Mol2 via unimol_tools
#302 opened by sunset222 - 2
#300 opened by buyudaren3 - 2
#296 opened by Karson-York - 1
#293 opened by alanianeselli - 2
Use pre-split data in UniMol Tools
#292 opened by am2145 - 4
Integrating Uni-Mol2 with unimol_tools
#285 opened by YikunHan42 - 4
Ligand Preparation / Result Issue with Docking V2
#225 opened by denizkavi - 10
- 3
How to reimplement with other molecular feature
#286 opened by legendzzy - 1
- 8
用unimol+模型 inference出的pos_pred取同一个id的均值吗?
#269 opened by chenkk717 - 8
- 0
UniMol Docking v2 on PoseBusters quality checks
#281 opened by liyue9129 - 0
- 2
Retraining Saved Models in a Self-Training Setting
#277 opened by YikunHan42 - 0
poses in sdf missing end of file and protonation
#276 opened by CLG68 - 4
- 2
Freezing layers for molecule architecture
#275 opened by YikunHan42 - 8
- 1
UNI-Dock2 question
#274 opened by abiotik - 4
- 9
Unrecognized atom type
#255 opened by CLG68 - 2
Uni-Mol2 Code
#272 opened by YikunHan42 - 1
口袋模型预训练时用到的是哪种pocket pdb?
#270 opened by ai4protein - 2 doesn't make pkl file
#256 opened by min0210 - 1
Question about padding in molecule collation/batching
#218 opened by FarzanT - 2
Trying Uni-Mol tools tutorial on molecule and atoms level representation: Failed to generate (3D) conformers
#265 opened by zt10001 - 5
Unimol Docking V2 strange result on posebuster set
#261 opened by simmed00 - 3
Uni-Mol numpy version
#262 opened by favor2021 - 1
Question Regarding Data Preprocessing for train.lmdb and valid.lmdb from MOAD in docking_v2 Directory
#259 opened by iceissey - 2
- 3 error
#248 opened by Golden-proteogenomics - 9
- 3
#235 opened by lmqfly - 1
#226 opened by CLG68 - 5
problems running demo files
#236 opened by CLG68 - 2
- 4
--steric_clash_fix does not work correctly
#230 opened by alkosh1 - 7
- 4
Error with installation of Uni-Mol tools
#220 opened by dgg95223 - 9
pad fixing for unimol and docking pose
#215 opened by nbrosse - 1
- 1
Inclusion of additional input features
#213 opened by Rhys-McAlister