
an error processing AIMD data for CP2K

caojiachun opened this issue · 10 comments

I encountered an error when running dpdata to process the cp2k_aimd task data:
'>>> ls=LabeledSystem("cp2k.log",fmt='cp2k/aimd_output')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "/nfs/home/2001_aozhimin/apps/deepmd-kit-cpu/lib/python3.10/site-packages/dpdata/", line 226, in init
self.from_fmt(file_name, fmt, type_map=type_map, begin= begin, step=step, **kwargs)
File "/nfs/home/2001_aozhimin/apps/deepmd-kit-cpu/lib/python3.10/site-packages/dpdata/", line 252, in from_fmt
return self.from_fmt_obj(load_format(fmt), file_name, **kwargs)
File "/nfs/home/2001_aozhimin/apps/deepmd-kit-cpu/lib/python3.10/site-packages/dpdata/", line 1012, in from_fmt_obj
data = fmtobj.from_labeled_system(file_name, **kwargs)
File "/nfs/home/2001_aozhimin/apps/deepmd-kit-cpu/lib/python3.10/site-packages/dpdata/plugins/", line 10, in from_labeled_system
xyz_file = sorted(glob.glob("{}/".format(file_name)))[0]
IndexError: list index out of range

You can try the cp2kdata package.
please check out this issue:#378.
If you use cp2kdata package, make sure the,-1.ener and files are included in the cp2k MD directory


Have you solved this problem? I have faced the same issue.

@njzjz @PolyuWeldingSpock The zip file doesn't contain necessary files for me to parse. and I am not longer to maintain the original MD parser because it supports limited versions and compliated the problems


Have you solved this problem? I have faced the same issue.

I copied the key file for recalculation and did not have the problem. It seems to be an occasional error.

Have you solved this problem? I have faced the same issue.

I copied the key file for recalculation and did not have the problem. It seems to be an occasional error.

Did you solve this by using cp2kdata or cp2k/aimd fmt?

Have you solved this problem? I have faced the same issue.

I copied the key file for recalculation and did not have the problem. It seems to be an occasional error.

Hello, Did you solve this by using cp2kdata or cp2k/aimd fmt?

I didn't change it.

I see. The code will check the xyz files under the directories you specified. It seems the problem has been solved. I will close it now

Have you solved this problem? I have faced the same issue.

I copied the key file for recalculation and did not have the problem. It seems to be an occasional error.

Hello, Did you solve this by using cp2kdata or cp2k/aimd fmt?

I didn't change it.

which version of cp2k did you use?

Have you solved this problem? I have faced the same issue.

I copied the key file for recalculation and did not have the problem. It seems to be an occasional error.

Hello, Did you solve this by using cp2kdata or cp2k/aimd fmt?

I didn't change it.

Hi, which version of cp2k did you use?

7.10 version

njzjz commented

and I am not longer to maintain the original MD parser because it supports limited versions and compliated the problems

@robinzyb I suggest adding a message when the version is not supported, as I said in #236.