
A hierarchical TAD caller with the optimized structure information

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION


The C++ package, SuperTAD, provides robust detection for the hierarchical structure of TADs from Hi-C contact maps. The package SuperTAD finds the global optimal result with no user-defined parameters.

More details can be found in the manuscript "SuperTAD: robust detection of hierarchical topologically associated domains with optimized structural information" (https://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-020-02234-6).


use git:

git clone https://github.com/deepomicslab/SuperTAD SuperTAD

or download from source

wget https://supertad.deepomics.org/home/download_src SuperTAD.tar.gz
tar -xzvf SuperTAD.tar.gz


cd ./SuperTAD
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..


  • CMake 3.5.1+, g++, gcc


	binary	The first mode requires no user-defined parameters, run the nodes filtering by default
		./SuperTAD binary <input Hi-C matrix> [-option values]
			--no-filter: If given, do not filter TADs after TAD detection
	multi	The second mode requires a parameter h to determine the number of layers
		./SuperTAD multi <input Hi-C matrix> -h <height> [-option values]
			-h <int>: The height of coding tree, default: 2
			--fast: If given, run a more efficient implementation of the second mode with discretization and neighbor searching, SuperTAD-Fast
			--step <int>: The number of steps for discretization in SuperTAD-Fast, default: the number of bins
			--window <int> : The size of the searching window in SuperTAD-Fast, default: 5 (bin)
	multi_2d	The third mode requires two parameter h1 and h2 to determine the iteractions for dividing and merging
		./SuperTAD multi_2d <input Hi-C matrix> [-option values]
			--hd <int>: The height of layers for dividing (go down), default: 2
			--hu <int>: The height of layers for merging (go up), default: 1
			--pre <string>: The pre-detected result file
	deepbinary	The fouth mode requires no user-defined parameters, an updated version of binary
		./SuperTAD deepbinary <input Hi-C matrix> [-option values]
			-p/--prune: whether prune binary tree into subtrees; must be set along -k
			-k <int>: number of subtrees to be pruned into; must be set along --prune
	    SHARED OPTIONS for binary and multi COMMAND:
		-K <int>: The number of leaves in the coding tree; default: nan (determined by the algorithm)
		--maxbin <int>: The maximum number of bins in a TAD; default: 10000000 (10 Mb)/resolution
		--chrom1 <string>: chrom1 label, default: chr1
		--chrom2 <string>: chrom2 label, default: the same as chrom1
		--chrom1-start <int>: start pos on chrom1, default: 0
		--chrom2-start <int>: start pos on chrom2, default: the same as --chrom1-start
		-r/--resolution <int>: bin resolution, default: 10000
		-s/--sparse: If given, apply the Bayesian corrected version for the sparse input matrix
		--bayes: the factor of pseudo count, default: 1 * log(N); must be set along -s
	filter	The nodes filter for optimal coding tree:
		./SuperTAD filter <input Hi-C matrix> -i <original result> 
			-i <string>: The list of TAD candidates
	compare	The symmetric metric overlapping ratio to assess the agreement between two results
		./SuperTAD compare <result1> <result2>
	-w <string>: Working directory path, default: the directory where the input file is located
	-v/--verbose: Print verbose

Input and Output

SuperTAD only supports dense matrix as input Hi-C matrix for now. We upload two examples of Hi-C matrix from Rao et al., Cell 2014 as well as the results into ./data.

The binary mode's result before filtering is stored in *.binary.original.tsv; The binary mode's result after filtering or the filter mode's result is stored in *.binary.filter.tsv; The multi mode's result is stored in *.multi.tsv; All of the TAD results use the eight-column format, which records the bin indexes of detected boundaries and the genomic start and end coordinates.

An example output is shown below (resolution=1kb):

chr1	1	0       1000	chr1	44	43000	44000
chr1	9	8000	9000	chr1	16	15000	16000
chr1	17	16000	17000	chr1	44	43000	44000

Each column is represented as: 1st-the chromosome of left boundary 2nd-the bin index that identified as the left boundary (start bin) 3rd-the start coordinate of start bin, in bp 4th-the end coordinate of start bin, in bp 5th-the chromosome of right boundary 6th-the bin index that identified as the right boundary (end bin) 7th-the start coordinate of end bin, in bp 8th-the end coordinate of end bin, in bp


./build/SuperTAD binary ./data/example_sub_GM12878_chr19_KR25kb_matrix.txt --chrom1 chr19 -r 25000 --chrom1-start 30000000

This command will run binary mode (SuperTAD) on the chr19 of GM12878 at 25kb resolution and save all TADs to the example_sub_GM12878_chr19_KR25kb_matrix.txt.binary.original.tsv. As --no-filter is not given, the nodes filtering runs by default and save the selected TADs to the example_sub_GM12878_chr19_KR25kb_matrix.txt.binary.filter.tsv.

./build/SuperTAD multi ./data/example_sub_GM12878_chr19_KR25kb_matrix.txt -h 2 --chrom1 chr19 -r 25000 --chrom1-start 30000000

This command will run multinary mode (SuperTAD(h)) on the chr19 of GM12878 at 25kb resolution and save all TADs to the example_sub_GM12878_chr19_KR25kb_matrix.txt.multi.tsv

./build/SuperTAD filter ./data/example_sub_GM12878_chr19_KR25kb_matrix.txt -i ./data/example_sub_GM12878_chr19_KR25kb_matrix.txt.binary.original.tsv

This command will independently run the nodes filtering for the TADs in -i indicated result and save the selected TADs to *.binary.filter.tsv.

./build/SuperTAD compare ./data/example_sub_GM12878_chr19_KR25kb_matrix.txt.multi.tsv ./data/example_sub_IMR90_chr19_KR25kb_matrix.txt.multi.tsv

This command will compute the overlapping ratio between two results.